Building in Debian Sid [Work in Progress]

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Building in Debian Sid [Work in Progress]

Post by HighBomber »


I was hoping to trial the OpenMW project over the weekend, but unfortunately there is no .deb package for version 0.18. I then attempted to build from source, but I was met with more issues. Debian Sid is missing three required libraries, libbullet-dev, libmygui-dev, and libogre-dev. Debian does have the Ogre binary dev but it is out of date. From reading through this forum I get the impression that building for Debian will require more tweaking. I am not very involved with the development and do not know the details. I just hope this helps others get started building OpenMW in Debian.

To build OpenMW in Debian, I had to build the mentioned libraries as well and include a workaround for Ogre. Here is how I accomplished this.

First step is to modify the /etc/apt/sources.list file to contain only the following sources:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Code: Select all

#Enable Squeeze backports
deb squeeze-backports main
deb sid main contrib non-free
deb-src sid main contrib non-free
#Ubuntu Game Packages
deb-src precise-getdeb games
Next, update apt-get.
sudo apt-get update
You will receive a GPG warning about the Ubuntu Game Packages source. Ignore it.

Before we download the files we want to make sure we have all the dependencies.
sudo apt-get build-dep libbullet mygui
You will receive a warning about a missing library: "libogre1.8-dev" cannot be found. I think this may be a typo. Instead, we will install "libogre-1.8-dev" - notice the extra dash?
sudo apt-get install libogre-1.8-dev
Now download the the source packages for libbullet and mygui.
apt-get source libbullet mygui
We can now begin compiling. We will begin with bullet first. Inside the new libbullet directory, go into the "debian" folder and delete the two files "libbullet0.symbols.amd64" and "libbullet0.symbols.i386". I could not compile with these. (because they are Ubuntu source files?) Next, return to the root of the bullet folder. In a terminal, enter:
dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us
Compiling should begin. If everything goes smoothly, we should have two libbullet .deb binaries created in the parent folder of libbullet.

Next we compile mygui. Inside the new mygui directory, go into the "debian" folder and again delete the two files "libmygui3.symbols.amd64" and "libmygui3.symbols.i386". Inside the same directory, open the file called "control" in a text editor and change the following entries:
change "libogre1.8-dev (>= 1.8.1)," to "libogre-1.8-dev (>= 1.8),"
and change "libogre1.8-dev," to "libogre-1.8-dev,"
This will allow mygui to compile using the Ogre version available in Debian SID. Again, return to the root of the mygui folder. In a terminal, enter:
dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us
If compiling goes smoothly, we should have three mygui .deb binaries created in the parent folder of mygui.

The parent folder should now contain 5 binaries in total. Install all of them with your preferred package manager. If all goes well, OpenMW should now compile successfully. The guide for that is below: ... pendencies

Don't forget to return your "/etc/apt/sources.list" back to normal!

This is still a work in progress. Although OpenMW compiles, installs, and launches successfully, I am still unable to start my Morrowind installation. If this helps anyone, thanks should go out to the folks at the Freenode #debian channel. I forgot to write down the gentleman's name who was assisting me last night, but they have always been great help.
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Re: Building in Debian Sid [Work in Progress]

Post by greye »

Why not just download ogre, mygui and bullet sources from respective sites and compile them? Using wheezy myself.
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Re: Building in Debian Sid [Work in Progress]

Post by jvoisin »

Feel free to create a page on the wiki about this :)
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Re: Building in Debian Sid [Work in Progress]

Post by HighBomber »

Hey greye, I prefer to use .deb packages instead of installing from source. The Ubuntu packages already have the "debian" package folders in the source and they seem to work quite well except for the mentioned modifications.

I could download the source from the respective sites and either build the packages myself or use something automated like checkinstall, but at the moment I do not know enough about package maintenance to be confident in my work. Speaking of which, this reddit post may be of some interest to others: ... ecoming_a/

I would like your feedback on other methods. I still have a lot to learn.
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Re: Building in Debian Sid [Work in Progress]

Post by psi29a »

Do you mean deb packages for Debian or Deb packages for Ubuntu, because the Ubuntu ones exist in the PPA. Please correct me if I misread your opening post.
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