Connection Lost Error

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Connection Lost Error

Post by jusastronomer »

Hello, OpenMW staff and the legendary 2 devs responsible for TES3MP,

I am a noob in networking, but was able to set up a server in my linux machine (Ubuntu 18.04.1) consulting a few tutorials.
My friend was able to join the server and play without any abnormalities. However, a few seconds after creating a new character or loading an old one, my game crashed with a "Connection Lost" message (in which I am prompted to press "Ok").

The crash doesn't seem to affect the server, since my friend can still play freely after it. I am the only one affected.
The logs of my sessions all end with the following lines:

Code: Select all

[2019-02-18 02:01:30] [INFO]: New global map tile corresponds to cell -1, -5
[2019-02-18 02:01:30] [INFO]: Sending ID_PLAYER_MAP with x: -1, y: -5
[2019-02-18 02:01:40] [ERR]: Connection lost.
Quitting peacefully.
[2019-02-18 02:02:09] [INFO]: tes3mp stopped
There are 33 sessions recorded, all ending like this.

A report I found of a similar issue is this one: ... tion_lost/
Although in my case the server stays up, I followed David Cernat's suggestion and edited my character's json file to make myself an administrator, but the error still occurs.

Does anyone have a solution? Is there more information I can give or tests I can make to clarify what the issue might be?
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Re: Connection Lost Error

Post by davidcernat »

Are you using a lot of mods? Can you please show us an entire client log and an entire server log?
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Re: Connection Lost Error

Post by jusastronomer »

Thank you for the reply!! When I said I had 33 records, I failed to realize 16 are server logs and 17 are client logs.

I am attaching the 9th server log and the 6 client logs that correspond to the time the server was up (from 1:31am to 1:55am).
I chose this log because my friend was logged in (in later attempts, I was by myself).
Sorry if I am being over-descriptive... I just would like to give you the most organized material possible.
Client Log from 1h43min
(51.27 KiB) Downloaded 309 times
Client Log from 1h39min
(53.01 KiB) Downloaded 312 times
Client Log from 1h36min
(45.8 KiB) Downloaded 306 times
Client Log from 1h34min
(63.23 KiB) Downloaded 300 times
Server Log from 1h31min to 1h55min
(233.33 KiB) Downloaded 316 times
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Re: Connection Lost Error

Post by jusastronomer »

The previous message reached the limit of attachments. The last 2 client logs are attached below.
Client Log from 1h50min
(68.88 KiB) Downloaded 307 times
Client Log from 1h49min
(6.92 KiB) Downloaded 306 times
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Re: Connection Lost Error

Post by davidcernat »

What happens when you try to join public servers?
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Re: Connection Lost Error

Post by jusastronomer »

I tried joining 2 different public servers and was able to play without the "connection lost error". I voluntarily exited the game after testing. The client logs are attached below.

By the way, I didn't respond the question about mods. I tested Tamriel Rebuild, offline, before the session... however I disabled it in the OpenMW Launcher before starting the server. Besides that, I have not used any mods.
Client log of test session at the server Br0ken Rudder Public
(53.87 KiB) Downloaded 304 times
Client log for test session at the server Test Chamber - everyone is admin
(151.52 KiB) Downloaded 299 times
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Re: Connection Lost Error

Post by davidcernat »

Did you build TES3MP yourself or are you using an official Linux build?
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Re: Connection Lost Error

Post by jusastronomer »

I didn't build it myself. I followed the instructions on your Quickstart Guide, downloading the "tes3mp-GNU+Linux-x86_64-release-0.7.0-alpha-0df32accca-edbcae5b0e.tar.gz" file from GitHub and unpacking in my computer.

After editing the "tes3mp-server-default.cfg" with a text editor (Gedit 3.28.1), I opened two tabs in the Gnome Terminal (version 3.28.2), one to run the "tes3mp-server" file (the one without an extension) and another to run the "tes3mp-browser" file (also no extension).

I hope I am not deviating from the installation question, but something I just remembered is that I pasted json files in the "...CoreScripts/data/player" folder. I had played with my fried before (he was the one running the server) and, in order not to lose our character progress, he sent me the characters' json files. If this is important, I am really sorry for not mentioning before!
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Re: Connection Lost Error

Post by davidcernat »

I should try connecting to your server. Can you let me know what it's called and what password it has if it has one?
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Re: Connection Lost Error

Post by jusastronomer »

My server name is Urshilaku. There is no password.

Now, curiously, I just run the "tes3mp-server" file for the first time since the error day (2018-02-18), but it's "unreachable" (Ping: 999). I double checked the forwarded ports in my router configuration: I had ports 25560 and 25565 forwarded, and for good measure, forwarded port 25561 (which seemed to be important... as I said in the first post, I am noob in networking... no idea what I am doing!).

Nothing happened, so I edited the "tes3mp-server-default.cfg" to look like this: ... 618421451/, except for the "home =" and the "plugins =" at [Plugins], since I have my own absolute path there. As a result, the server is still unreachable and the log has a bunch of lines saying "Server data successfully updated on master server".

I am sending the server log attached below. I will leave the server running until you say otherwise. As for the "tes3mp-server-default.cfg" file, since it cannot be attached to the post, I shall copy and paste below:

Code: Select all

# The default localAddress of makes the server reachable at all of its local addresses
localAddress =
port = 25565
maximumPlayers = 16
hostname = Urshilaku
# 0 - Verbose (spam), 1 - Info, 2 - Warnings, 3 - Errors, 4 - Only fatal errors
logLevel = 0
password =

home = /home/alves/Videos/Games/TES3MP/CoreScripts
plugins = serverCore.lua

enabled = true
address =
port = 25560
rate = 10000
Sorry for "spicing up" the situation even further. I just hope this is not a network service problem that cannot yield any contribution to improving the project.

EDIT: Had to restart the server at 13h21min (it's Sao Paulo time, by the way), because my computer crashed.
Server log (until 12h41min, but it's still up)
(8.39 KiB) Downloaded 311 times
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