Scene Toolbar Icon Request

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Re: Scene Toolbar Icon Request

Post by Shnatsel »

Zini wrote:Some mixup with terrain, pathgrid and possibly fog. If necessary I can go over it manually re-order the files, but since you mentioned you were doing it via a script maybe you could have another look at that first.
Looks sound to me :| Perhaps cross-reference the numbers used for each component with this pic?
IDK dude.png
The script to generate these icons is included in the OpenCS source code tree along with the exported PNG parts, see files/opencs/raster/scene-view-parts. Didn't want to make you dependent on me :)
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Re: Scene Toolbar Icon Request

Post by Zini »

Yeah, as I suspected. There is a mixup. The order of the bitmask doesn't match. Was an easy fix though. All good now in this regard.

I made another really stupid mistake. Didn't notice that the transition from the collection of little icons to composite large icon had a problem. Depending on the cell type you don't have every single element available. For example exteriors can't have user defined fog. And interiors can't have terrain (there was a bug regarding the availability of the terrain button too).

I guess I was mentally ahead when thinking about the button, since these issues will most likely go away with the new worldspace concept planned for 1.1 or 1.2.

I don't think we have to act on this issue (unless you absolutely want to). The issue should at most create very minor confusion among the users and as mentioned above most likely it will go away on its own eventually.
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Re: Scene Toolbar Icon Request

Post by Shnatsel »

Zini wrote:Didn't notice that the transition from the collection of little icons to composite large icon had a problem. Depending on the cell type you don't have every single element available. For example exteriors can't have user defined fog. And interiors can't have terrain (there was a bug regarding the availability of the terrain button too).
So you have different default states depending on the cell type? In that case I'd prefer to act on it.
If not, then it's probably OK as long as you make the buttons for unavailable components insensitive instead of hiding them.

Handling the different default states is just a matter of altering the right half of the icon, right?
I could pre-generate the icons for you as, but it might be easier to just do alpha-blending in Qt for the icon to superimpose the correct variant of the right half where needed. Like this:
20.png (2.74 KiB) Viewed 14418 times
mask.png (3.34 KiB) Viewed 14418 times
scene-view-status-20.png (3.18 KiB) Viewed 14418 times
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Re: Scene Toolbar Icon Request

Post by Zini »

Disabling the non-relevant buttons for now is a good idea. That should make it pretty clear to the user and it also takes little effort (both to implement it now and to remove it later when these limitations no longer apply). I think we can leave it at that.
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Re: Scene Toolbar Icon Request

Post by Shnatsel »

I happen to have some free time until the 8th of February, figured it's a good time to get the other view toggling icon done - assuming the looks of the relevant elements have been established.

By the way, I've checked out OpenCS v0.34. Outdoor regions no longer render for me (reported as bug 2336), so I couldn't see the outdoor toggles in action. But it's nice to see my icons are already in :D
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Re: Scene Toolbar Icon Request

Post by Zini »

Unfortunately no work on rendering has been done since the last time we talked about the topic. But I believe we still missing some of the resources icons (Mesh, Icon, Music, Sound File, Texture, Video). And we also don't have an icon for debug profile records.
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Re: Scene Toolbar Icon Request

Post by Shnatsel »

Well, I made the "Run OpenMW" button, so it's probably a good idea to make a matching icon to set up that stuff. What's the required size and context for that icon?

Also, I've noticed that the "scalable" folder in OpenCS contains icons very different from raster icons of the same name. Is that intentional?

And I couldn't find vector sources for any of the existing icons anywhere. I'm mostly interested in sources for this commit - they would be very useful for keeping the style consistent. I'd be great if somebody could include them in the "scalable" directory.
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Re: Scene Toolbar Icon Request

Post by Zini »

Well, I made the "Run OpenMW" button, so it's probably a good idea to make a matching icon to set up that stuff. What's the required size and context for that icon?
Not sure what you mean by that. The debug profile record icon? That is the same as all record/resources icons: 32x32. Used in drag & drop and (potentially) in tables
Also, I've noticed that the "scalable" folder in OpenCS contains icons very different from raster icons of the same name. Is that intentional?
Our icons went through a few revisions (including them being done from scratch in some cases, I believe). It is possible that there is still some old stuff in there. Haven't looked at for a while.
And I couldn't find vector sources for any of the existing icons anywhere. I'm mostly interested in sources for this commit - they would be very useful for keeping the style consistent. I'd be great if somebody could include them in the "scalable" directory.
That commit was done by sirherrbatka, but I don't remember if he made them himself or just committed them. He isn't that active on the forum currently, but sending him a forum PM might be worth a try anyway.
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Re: Scene Toolbar Icon Request

Post by Shnatsel »

Looks like OpenMW-CS 0.39 has implemented rendering of the missing 3 elements in the other switcher. I could use a distraction these days so I'd be glad to make the icon for those as well.

For that I'll need info on what each of those elements does and in what cases they're most important to see. Ideas on when they could appear together are also welcome.
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Re: Scene Toolbar Icon Request

Post by Zini »

Wow, I didn't knew you were still with us. Was already starting to worry about the icon situation. Thanks for sticking around.

These 3 elements appear only in exteriors (interior scene subviews don't even have the button).

Cell border

The exterior worldspace is made up of a quadratic grid of cells. This element puts a marker on these borders so the user can see where one cell ends and were the next begins. This particularly important if you have multiple people working on a project in parallel, because two people modifying the same cell at the same time basically means that the work of one of them will have to be thrown away.

Cell marker

The cell marker shows the coordinate of the cell (e.g. 0, 0, then the cell to the right of that has the coordinates of 1. 0 and so on). This is obviously useful if you render more than one cell in a scene and want to keep track where you are. Later we will also add a popup menu to the marker that allows various operations on the cell as a whole. Most of these functions are available already, but currently you need to look up the cell in the cell table and modify it there. You can't do it yet from within the scene subview.

Cell arrows

Each scene subview renders only a subset of the existing cells. The user can add or remove cells from the view as he wishes Limiting the rendered cells to a user-selectable subset serves primarily as performance optimisation but it also helps to not clutter the scene with parts of the world that are currently not interesting for the user.

On each border between a cell that is included in a scene and a cell that is not included in a scene a so called cell arrow is rendered (pointing towards the cell that is not shown). This cell arrow can be used to modify which cells are shown in the scene. For example a basic click on the arrow adds the cell the arrow is pointing to to the scene.
There are other related functions. For example clicking on the arrow while holding down control will add the cell the arrow is pointing to to the scene while at the same time removing the cell the arrow comes from from the scene (in other words it "moves" the visibility of a cell).
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