Enable gamma slider under linux

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Enable gamma slider under linux

Post by ezwn »

I am Nicolas. I noticed the "gamma slider" has been disabled under non-widows systems, with this comment << hide gamma controls since it currently does not work under Linux >>.

I just commented the disabling code and well... The gamma slider works fine under my linux/mint.

I'd like to push this simple change. Good idea ?

Do I have to create a fork first ? Strange... at my work we don't use fork, but only branches (they seem enough to modarate the source code)... So I'm surprised... How does it work to make a PR from a fork to the main project ?

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Re: Enable gamma slider under linux

Post by Capostrophic »

It's disabled for a reason: there's a ton of different distros and not every one of them supports it, so it's preferable not to enable the half-working functionality at all than to expect reports from confused Linux users. In the future there will be a software implementation of brightness change that should be more universal and not change the gamma of the whole system.
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Re: Enable gamma slider under linux

Post by AnyOldName3 »

We've had reports of the slider stopping working on certain Windows machines, too. It does the exact same thing as the vanilla gamma slider, so when enough people update to a Windows version without support, we'll probably end up removing it from Windows, too. When people complain, we'll be able to point out that the one in the vanilla engine has stopped working, too.
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