Stuck in geometry

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Stuck in geometry

Post by syscall »


First thank you all for what you have done with the project, making it possible to play my favorite rpg of all time, natively on my linux machine is one of the best things.

I know the project is to fathfully restore the original game experience, but the problem i am talking about was present in the original game too.
Now i don't have that much time to delve into the bug reports to see if this issue is being worked upon, that is why i thought i'll ask.

In the original game, you pretty much had to save-whore a lot unless you had X intervention or mark/recall at hand since it was rather easy to get stuck in geometry.

My recent problem was with a very trivial one, and easy to reproduce:
I created a nord male, went to Seyda Neen lighthouse, there is a tree stump right next to the corner of the boardwalk at the entrance to the lighthouse.
i'm talking about the one, that has 3 coins and a silver cup.
by jumping between the boardwalk, the stump and the rock next to the stump, the character gets stuck.
one interesting thing is if i pressed jump, i could hear the jump sound play - meaning the game somehow registered the character as stationary - but i could not move the character at all.

Are there any plans for the future to somehow fix these issues by being more liberal about the conditions when jumping is allowed?

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Re: Stuck in geometry

Post by Capostrophic »

Try to use a nightly build, you should be able to get out of such crevices there. It's not perfect, but something that improves the collision solver situation further is being worked on (see the recent newspost).
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Re: Stuck in geometry

Post by AnyOldName3 »

This kind of thing is why the vanilla engine had the fixme console command. As far as I know, we've implemented it.
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Re: Stuck in geometry

Post by Capostrophic »

As far as I know, we've implemented it.
fixme currently simply snaps you from 8000 units above to the closest surface, which is usually exactly the same position as you had before, and you'll still be stuck in place.
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Re: Stuck in geometry

Post by Thunderforge »

You can always do the following to get out of a stuck situation:
  • Open the console and enter the command tcl
  • With collisions off, you'll move around as if you were levitating, but will move through walls and such
  • Move away from your stuck area to somewhere safe
  • Open the console and enter the command tcl, which will restore to regular behavior
As for more general engine improvements to avoid this situation, there are a number of collision-related issues that are being worked on.
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