An OpenMW "competitor" or scam?

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Re: An OpenMW "competitor" or scam?

Post by psi29a »

Hello Philip, welcome!

Is my summation of current state of progress correct? I think it is pretty cool that you can load what you can from different games into one scene-graph.

How much of the code is under LGPL?

Do you plan on just getting Morrowind gameplay up and running? Much of that is different between the games.

You are aware of how Bethesda feels about Morrowind running on mobile platforms?
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Re: An OpenMW "competitor" or scam?

Post by philjord »

Hi, thanks for the welcome.

Yes you summation is pretty accurate, as I mentioned in the kickstarter at this point I have only partial to none of the following

User interface
Combat mechanics
Game mechanics

So you're right it is basically the loading, rendering, animation and physics that's working well now.

I'd say about 80% of my code is open source, though due to tight time frames it's a real mess now.

All of the difficult nightmare of getting it to run on Android is closed source for now. Obviously, you can't be paid to work on something people get for free.

The Call of Morrowind project is definitely only to get a port of Morrowind onto Java going definitely none of the other games.

I considered for a long time doing it for Oblivion, as the frame rates were much better (odd but true), but I think more people would like to re-play Morrowind casually.

If it flys (ridiculously big if) I'd like to move on to probably Fallout 3 next, as the VATS system seems like a good mobile friendly interface. But that's the distant future there, portable devices can't run Fallout 3 smoothly yet.

I am unbelievable and intimately aware of those emails, I have re-read them dozens of times to try to understand the exact meaning. As I clearly state everywhere my port is just a cross platform port, it can run on many types of device, but a demo on a phone is a more sexy demo (stretching the the word sexy to the utmost).

As I've said on a few other forums, if my project gets some backers then I'm hoping Matt will contact me, but it would need to be pretty wildly successful for them to care, I'm not OpenMW after all.
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Re: An OpenMW "competitor" or scam?

Post by johndh »

I'm curious as to why you aren't using OpenMW as a base. Is there a distinct advantage to reinventing this particular wheel?
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Re: An OpenMW "competitor" or scam?

Post by philjord »

That's a very easy question to answer:
OpenMW = C++
Call of Morrowind = Java

Different languages.

And OpenMW didn't exist when I started too. :)
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Re: An OpenMW "competitor" or scam?

Post by AnyOldName3 »

Well this could be a nice thing to have - two projects are less likely to die out than one. However, it might be a good idea to try and keep certain stuff compatible between the two engines. If someone makes a mod that won't open in the one it wasn't made for, that's going to upset people, so it might be an idea for you to try and stay 'in the loop' when it comes to scripting, graphical and other enhancements post-1.0 OpenMW may bring. If you support our extensions, then it means fewer people are likely to ignore your option just because a few of their mods won't work, and if you release enough documentation that any of your extensions can be implemented in OpenMW and the CS (or even went as far as implementing them yourself) then it would mean that they'd be more likely to be put to good use.

Best of luck to you.
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Re: An OpenMW "competitor" or scam?

Post by DestinedToDie »

Anyway this looks quite impressive. I still think OpenMW is the way to go and I see OpenMW achieving pretty much everything you planned for Call of Morrowind to do, but a one man job that got this far still impresses me. I hope you can manage to sort out the legality of it so that Bethesda won´t take it off the net.
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Re: An OpenMW "competitor" or scam?

Post by HeadClot »

philjord wrote:That's a very easy question to answer:
OpenMW = C++
Call of Morrowind = Java

Different languages.

And OpenMW didn't exist when I started too. :)
Is there or Will there be some kind of tooling or mod kit for your engine?
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Re: An OpenMW "competitor" or scam?

Post by philjord »

Obviously all mods that alter the bsa files (models,textures,sounds) or the esm file (game world and scripts) will be supported and should work the though testing on the full range might take some time.

As far as a mod kit goes, most of the code used is open source and in the very easy access java language so people should be sble to make code level mods fairly easily.

I'm reluctant to specifically describe support at that level as I'm already streched for man power (single dev and all)
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Re: An OpenMW "competitor" or scam?

Post by StirlizZz »

Haha! Finally we got Morrowind for Android! They also searching for help on kickstarter or smth like this.

Such a miserable ending for all tries of fools from this forum.
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Re: An OpenMW "competitor" or scam?

Post by lysol »

StirlizZz wrote: 21 Jul 2017, 17:56 Haha! Finally we got Morrowind for Android! They also searching for help on kickstarter or smth like this.

Such a miserable ending for all tries of fools from this forum.
And you did exactly how much of the code to Call of Red Mountain? ;)

Nice try with trolling, but I won't bite.