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MLOX derived clone as an online web-based community tool?

Posted: 06 Aug 2023, 20:37
by Cl3v3rP0tat0

OpenMW presents some challenges for modders that Oldwind modders don't have to face - a big one is mod load ordering. Add to that, we have non-Windows users of OpenMW - and there's even more hurdles. Now this is more a OpenMW Community topic and not so much a suggestion for OpenMW development team, but there's room for some synergy and maybe even a tie-in with Modding-OpenMW.COM ( ) which already has a fairly awesome Mod Configurator ( ).

Could MLOX ever be setup as an online web form utility where you could paste/load a mod list and have it run a load order and then output for download/copy for use as a mod load ordering guide?