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Footsteps sound panned to one side after casting Recall

Posted: 14 May 2023, 03:21
by Schlagg
Minor sound glitch - after casting Recall to return to the Vivec Mages Guild, the player character footsteps sound is panned to one ear. TES3MP v. 0.8.1.

To reproduce:

1. Use the Guild Guide to travel to Vivec. (I started from Ald-ruhn.)
2. Walk around a bit, for reference. The footsteps sound is panned normally, in the center.
3. Cast Mark to set a mark point. (My mark point is at the top of the stairs in the main area, facing the Guild Guide.)
4. Cast Divine Intervention to warp to Ebonheart.
5. Talk to Asciene Rane, and travel to Mournhold.
6. Close the dialogue window, turn around and go outside.
7. Cast Recall to return to the Vivec Mages Guild. Walk around; the footstep sound is panned to one ear instead of centered.

I found that sometimes this is panned all the way to the left, and sometimes all the way to the right. After using the Guild Guide again, the footsteps sound is once again panned correctly in the center.