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Server not receiving players (Unreachable)

Posted: 30 May 2022, 07:33
by kernalgohd
Edit: Well its been a little bit, and straight up, it just started working, no reason in particular that I can tell. It may be as simple as the both of us restarting our computers since the failed attempts, maybe despite the router having a built in reboot function, it took a while for it to forward properly. Exasperated, but at least now happily playing with my friend.

Hello, its yet another unreachable server problem. I've spent the past 8 hours researching and forum crawling for every possible solution within and outside the tes3mp/openmw communities. I'm not sure if there even is a fix for this issue I'm having, but I'm willing to try.

I believe the server I'm running is not even trying to receive outside players. I'm running the 0.47.0 openmw with the 0.8.1 tes3mp, non-VR. I initially started with my port 1802 open for the server, which didn't work over the course of troubleshooting for 3 hours. So I tried with 25565 where it has been for the past 5 hours. I've forwarded both TCP and UDP. Port checking websites are either down and not telling me, or they're not actually forwarded. Considering my earlier 1802 port had worked in the past for other software that needs forwarding, I doubt my ISP is blocking anything. I have opened those ports in my own computers firewall both TCP and UDP. I have a static local IP, so nothing wonky there.

The server default local address is properly set to and the port is also appropriately set to 25565. Other than the host name, max players, and the password, its all default.

Code: Select all

# The default localAddress of makes the server reachable at all of its local addresses
# You almost never have to change this
localAddress =
port = 25565
maximumPlayers = 2
hostname = My Server Name
# 0 - Verbose (spam), 1 - Info, 2 - Warnings, 3 - Errors, 4 - Only fatal errors
logLevel = 1
password = (its a secret, shhh)

home = ./server
plugins = serverCore.lua

enabled = true
address =
port = 25561
rate = 10000
I do have mods on, and after some initial foibles with load order, I got everything working on my local machine. However, both the server list, and my online friend trying to join cant get it to be anything other than unreachable. When setting up a direct connection through the tes3mp.exe and the client default config, with many checks to the accuracy of the port and IP, it came up saying either the IP was wrong, or the firewall was blocking stuff. From what I've read, the joining party does not need to port forward, but they did try with the whole firewall just off for a minute and still had no success, or change in error message.

There is one last hope. I started changing my port after my friend went to bed, so it is possible that for no discernable reason changing the port from 1802 to 25565 might have made things work, and that my view from the server browser is simply bugged and is actually working for others and I just don't know. Wont know until tomorrow. Assuming it doesn't work for now, does anyone have any suggestions short of scream crying at my ISP to find out if they're blocking stuff for no reason.

At the very least, thanks to anyone for taking the time to have a read.