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Lua Documentation IDE Pics

Posted: 07 Feb 2022, 03:42
by ArashiAganawa
So, I'm learning lua (yay!) and trying to make a script that will give the player some nice QOL features in OpenMW, such as displaying the time of day, what day it is (in both number and day of the week) and the month, above the map on the U/I in real time. All well and good. Was looking through the lua documentation, when I came across the IDE that is ideal to use (And I'm so happy that I read this because I need it) and I noticed someone put pictures of the IDE in light mode.... what kind of sociopath uses light mode to code? MY EYES! :lol: I had to google how to turn on the dark mode, couldn't do it in the light. You do realize light mode attracts bugs right?

Seriously though, the documentation is awesome and I think it will help me do what I seek to do! Thanks so much!