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Downloads page - "RelWithDebInfo" explanation

Posted: 04 Dec 2021, 21:45
by mikeprichard
Hello all - this is a minor request that some brief text be added to the Downloads page at the end of the "Latest test builds from the codebase" section to explain what, if any, difference it might make to the end user to download one of the MSBuild/Ninja build packages with "RelWithDebInfo" in the title as shown in the screenshot, as opposed to one of the other packages without this text. This would neatly complete the explanation already provided in the current final sentence of that section, which notes there's no relevant difference for end users between the two "MSBuild" vs. the two "Ninja" builds shown in the shot. Cheers!

Re: Downloads page - "RelWithDebInfo" explanation

Posted: 04 Dec 2021, 22:57
by AnyOldName3
That's only a temporary situation while the static links are busted. In fact, it's so temporary that it doesn't actually tell you to download the recommended file. If all goes well, we might have the direct links back tomorrow.

As for what's what, Ninja and MSBuild make no difference to the user and should produce identical builds. They're just different tools developers can use and we make builds for both so we can be sure developers haven't accidentally broken the build for the one they don't use.

Release, RelWithDebInfo and Debug do make a difference to the user, though. Basically, Debug only works if you've got the MSVC build tools installed, which most users don't, and it's really slow. Again, we just do that build because it lets us be sure no one's accidentally broken it. RelWithDebInfo and Release should both be fast, but Release might be a touch faster in some situations, so we recommend users use that. However, if a user needs to submit a crash dump, we can't read it without the debug information RelWithDebInfo and Debug builds have, so we ask users to get the equivalent RelWithDebInfo build to the build they made crash and make the crash happen again.

Re: Downloads page - "RelWithDebInfo" explanation

Posted: 04 Dec 2021, 23:22
by mikeprichard
Thanks for the quick reply! I guess this is all going to be sorted out and that text and screenshot updated accordingly so the unwashed masses (like me) can understand the different / recommended options a little better, if I read you correctly.

Re: Downloads page - "RelWithDebInfo" explanation

Posted: 05 Dec 2021, 01:55
by AnyOldName3
No, we used to have direct links to the right files, but they broke, so we had to put the mess there instead, but we're fixing the links and will be putting them back. You'll just click the link without needing to know the details.

Re: Downloads page - "RelWithDebInfo" explanation

Posted: 05 Dec 2021, 02:08
by mikeprichard
Ah, even better. Thanks again.