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Bug that i have discovered (intimidation related)

Posted: 03 Aug 2021, 16:52
by tricksty
Hi, I have noticed a difference in the vanilla behavior and openmw (i post here cause i have reproduced it on tes3mp 0.7)
essentially in vanilla i could intidate for 2 main different reasons (obviusly if speechcraft was high enough and the rng was good with you)
the first: provoke
you keep intimidate until the bar was lower and under a certain level(maybe 25 but not totally sure here) a succesfull attemp makes them attack you so you could kill them without consequence
and a second(more inportant in my opinion) to PERMANENTLY calm the enemy and this seems broken in openmw

the point was this you could cast a spell calm to an enemy and pay him or ammirate him until his bar was high enough(maybe 75 dont quote on me about the value here) then you could succesfully intimidate in order for him to stay to that level forever
even when the calm spell was wearing off since you had intimidate him he was not attacking back

This was useufl for some master trainer that were attacking you on sight and was very useful for the patter:

1 frenzy enemy so he attack
2 damage all attributes to 0 with spells
3 punch him to the ground so he cannot stay up
4 steal all his things
5 calm him
6 raise his disposition, and finally intimidate him so he was your best friend ever( just stuck there forever and with a little lighter purse)

I hope you fix the bug cause i need some object taken from ppl that i dont want to eliminate...