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Crosshair / cursor issues with mod.

Posted: 15 May 2020, 17:51
by csbx
I installed the oblivion-like crosshair mod, but noticed that it was not displaying properly (only the upper 1/4 top left quadrant of it was showing. I found a solution somewhere about making sure the .dds is 32 pixels and sure enough this one was 64. Is there something about openmw that I could adjust to use the 64 pixel version to have a slightly larger cursor on my screen ? I've solved my original problem by simply resizing, but it would be great to have a larger crosshair.

Thanks !

Re: Crosshair / cursor issues with mod.

Posted: 15 May 2020, 22:01
by Capostrophic
Have you tested it on a RC build of 0.46.0?