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All spells listed as Alteration :(

Posted: 15 May 2020, 08:20
by Bodin
I have most of the mods from installed.

I was just doing my thing in Seyda Neen, and thought I'd go buy a new spell or too. So, I headed up to Arille's place, and was shocked to see that each and every one he had for sale was listed under the Alteration school. Then, I checked my known spells, and the same was happening there. It worked properly in the beginning of the game.

I'm assuming this is a mod issue. Has anyone heard of this, and know which mod may be causing it?


Edit: I reloaded a save, and it seems to happen after I use destruction spells a few times in a row.

Re: All spells listed as Alteration :(

Posted: 15 May 2020, 20:19
by Capostrophic
Sorry, my mistake, an erroneous attempt to optimize spell success chance calculation broke spell school determination. Will fix in a bit.

For the record, this doesn't affect 0.46.0.

Re: All spells listed as Alteration :(

Posted: 15 May 2020, 22:07
by Bodin
Thanks for the reply.

I was having some trouble finding a 46 release, and ended up on getting what I think is the 47 build for windows that came right before the latest one (since I couldn't get the newest one to run). I'll take a closer look through the nightlies thread and try to snag 46--thanks again, and btw, loving the engine so far!