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Terrain Editing

Posted: 04 May 2020, 02:07
by Schnauzerhead
I have a question about the OpenMW content editor. I've found the terrain tools, which have placeholder icons, and everything seems to say it is not yet implemented in red text. Is terrain editing possible right now? I found a changelog for version 46 that said it was implemented, and read the thread, but I couldn't find what I was looking for.

Thank you!

Re: Terrain Editing

Posted: 04 May 2020, 02:21
by AnyOldName3
Have you actually tried a nightly or 0.46 RC? If you're still on 0.45, there won't be any terrain editing yet.

Re: Terrain Editing

Posted: 04 May 2020, 02:37
by Schnauzerhead
Oh wow, I figured whatever the answer was would make me feel the fool. I just compiled the program so I assumed it was .46, thank you for your help!