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COVID-19 Well wishes

Posted: 18 Mar 2020, 06:38
by Greendogo
Hey all,
I hope everyone is doing well during this tumultuous period!
Let us know what you're up to? Is your country locking down? Are you under quarantine or lockdown?
What are you doing to keep yourselves busy?

Re: COVID-19 Well wishes

Posted: 18 Mar 2020, 09:27
by lysol
Sweden is doing the opposite of everyone else, kind of. The epidemiologist's working for the Swedish government have been reacting more slowly than other countries counterparts, saying vague stuff like "it is important to do the right thing at the right time". We closed schools for ages 16 and up yesterday, but that's kind of it. The country with the most similar strategy as Sweden is (or rather was) the UK, and they just dumped that strategy since reports said it could cost the UK 250 000 lives. Ooops.

Seems Sweden is closing its borders now though. Like that would make any difference now at this time. People are recommended to work from home if possible, except if you are in healthcare. No public announcement to limit social interaction as much as possible yet.

Anyway, I work as a radiographer at the local emergency hospital, so I expect things to be chaotic within a few weeks or up to a month. If I get any symptoms whatsoever, I have to stay home from work, but I haven't got any. Yet.

How about you all?

Re: COVID-19 Well wishes

Posted: 18 Mar 2020, 10:46
by sjek
Here in finland things took kinda fast turn. First is was 500 people gatherings cancelled and in about a week or half, 10 people. There's no direct law to limit third parties explicitely so bars are still largely open. Public and in any way goverment owned places got lockdown. shops and public transport are open thought.

One and i think govermentally big point aside from death toll is that hospitals don't be overrun. Good luck and calm winds.

From my perspective, got ordered out from volunteer work, so have lots of free time now. Got 10 bikes of which part needs full maintenance before selling, mod this game or be active in mobile game's alliance. Plenty of options. Might even read something else than internet once xD
edit: and write job applications whichever luck there is xP
poems... maybe

Re: COVID-19 Well wishes

Posted: 18 Mar 2020, 19:51
by AnyOldName3
I'm in the UK and am facing two counts of Howard Hughes, one because all work that can be done remotely is supposed to be done remotely, and another because anyone who's supposed to get the annual flu jab is supposed to isolate themselves for twelve weeks, and I'm type-1 diabetic, so am covered by that.

My main issue with remote work so far is that I'm spending too much time micro-optimising my workflow. VS Code SSH Remote is fairly close to optimal, but support for Windows isn't as simple as the documentation implies.

Re: COVID-19 Well wishes

Posted: 18 Mar 2020, 20:14
by raevol
In San Diego here. My job has sent us to work from home. Gatherings over 10 (edit: maybe 50? not sure) people are prohibited, bars are closed, restaurants are take-out only.

People are panic-buying toilet paper and water here. However, most of the population is happily sitting at home posting quarantine memes. It's always a few crazies that make it seem worse than it is.

The Bay Area in Northern California has a shelter-in-place order, but if you read the whole thing it's a lot more forgiving than it sounds from the title. It was spreading at an alarming rate in that area, so it makes sense. Doesn't help curb the panic though.

Re: COVID-19 Well wishes

Posted: 18 Mar 2020, 20:19
by AnyOldName3
I skillfully timed running dangerously low on toilet roll with all the toilet roll being gone from the shops. I've seen Maximum one per customer signs where toilet roll should be, but no actual loo roll.

Re: COVID-19 Well wishes

Posted: 18 Mar 2020, 22:20
by raevol
AnyOldName3 wrote: 18 Mar 2020, 20:19 I skillfully timed running dangerously low on toilet roll with all the toilet roll being gone from the shops.
My roommate bought a bidet. :lol:

Re: COVID-19 Well wishes

Posted: 19 Mar 2020, 08:36
by Greendogo
I know someone who bought a bidet as well! :D

I'm hold up in my apartment, haven't spent time with another human being since Friday, except if you count buying a mortar and pestle from the Asian market.

I'm in Santa Barbara, a ways north from raevol, and it's the same here. People have bought all the TP. The crazy is starting to slow down though.

My friends up at Microsoft in Washington have been sick for 4 weeks, but they're young and doing okay. Keeping themselves isolated and planning to get a dog. They've mused that there will be a world wide baby boom in 9 months :lol:

My friend's coworker tested positive for Covid-19 and still came in to work to get their laptop. Talk about extremely idiotic.

I work in telehealth, so we're doing great, but one of the roboticists I work with is 73 and I really don't want him or his wife to catch this.

I also have a low-grade fever, so, yippee. :?

Online DnD, yoga and playing with my new Instant Pot have been keeping me busy.

Re: COVID-19 Well wishes

Posted: 19 Mar 2020, 09:46
by 1Zero
Viruses were always a part of live on earth, acting as evolutionary pressure on populations. In our globalized world there is an optimal infrastructure for the virus to spread unfortunately. Germany (or at least Bavaria) closed borders and advised people to stay home but many people still participate in group meetings, especially with the weather being quite pleasant.
Well, with many business projects delayed, at least I got time to progress some other postponed projects and do a few things I always wanted to do. List includes: Catching up on a few arxiv papers, more hiking in the alps, Oblivion bison grammar for compiler, testing a few laser diodes, relaxing and long sleep with lucid dreaming.
I hope everyone stays reasonably healthy!

Re: COVID-19 Well wishes

Posted: 19 Mar 2020, 14:41
by lysol
You know what guys? This year's Eurovision Song Contest is cancelled.