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Re: Documenting Xbox UI differences from PC

Posted: 15 Nov 2021, 06:40
by augustt
If this ever gets implemented it could be a great way to get Steam Deck users to try out OpenMW.

Re: Documenting Xbox UI differences from PC

Posted: 15 Nov 2021, 23:28
by coppermine733
I can't imagine there are that many assets required to make this feasible. Surely a supplemental pack could be created from free assets or from scratch. I love Morrowind on PC, but recently I played it on my Series X and the UI is just so well designed it feels a league above KB/M. I enjoyed it so much I played through a significant portion of the game in just a couple days.

Re: Documenting Xbox UI differences from PC

Posted: 19 Nov 2021, 05:07
by Greendogo
Thanks for digging this up.

Re: Documenting Xbox UI differences from PC

Posted: 20 Nov 2021, 20:13
by lysol
I just had a thought. Different gamepads call the buttons differently. And even when they share the names A/B/X/Y, they still might not be layout the same way (see switch vs xbox iirc). I guess we should have one standard layout and name the UI image files according to that standard (say, A.svg, B.svg, etc)? So say that the B button is the bottom one, should the playstation "x"-button be named B.svg or should we simply make this a lua-config thing so that files can be named whatever and mods have to ship Lua scripts?

Re: Documenting Xbox UI differences from PC

Posted: 20 Nov 2021, 22:58
by AnyOldName3
There are CC0 universal icon texture packs available, where basically you have several textures with the same UV layout and a mapping between a generic controller and UV coordinates, and you pick the texture that matches the layout of the controller you're using.