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My application as OpenMW developer

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 12:01
by scrawl

I've been playing Morrowind since it came out and always went back to it and I think it can be considered one of the most epic games ever created. I want to support your efforts in recreating the engine of this timeless classic (and hopefully, also allow total conversions)

I've been working specifically with Ogre and C++ for one and a half years now. I'm also an active developer of this open source game using Ogre:

I'm especially interested in these areas:
- Setting up shadows
- Setting up a shader infrastructure (allowing for effects like normal mapping, parallax mapping, ...)
- Support screen-space effects (ambient occlusion, HDR, ...) - ideally there should be a framework that allows modders to add their own shaders and effects

My development environment runs arch linux and I'm familiar with git.

Let me know if you are interested.

Re: My application as OpenMW developer

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 12:21
by Zini
We are definitely interested, though the areas you listed are a bit problematic at this time. The plan is to not add any features prior to 1.0, so we can completely focus on the reimplementation for MW.
- Setting up shadows
MW doesn't have much in term of dynamic shadows. We definitely want them to post 1.0 though.
- Setting up a shader infrastructure (allowing for effects like normal mapping, parallax mapping, ...)
I would expect that most of it can actually be done by using a suitable material script. Eventually we need to adjust the resources handling that we can also use native OGRE resources instead of just NIF files. But that is also a post-1.0 feature.
- Support screen-space effects (ambient occlusion, HDR, ...) - ideally there should be a framework that allows modders to add their own shaders and effects
Definitely post-1.0 features and I would expect that we need to be able to extend the ESX format to support them properly. Which means we need to get our own editor finished first.

If you don't mind shelving these ideas for a (longer) while, you can work on other features for now, though most of the OGRE related tasks are already finished or claimed.

Assuming you are still interested, have a look at this page.

Re: My application as OpenMW developer

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 12:27
by Zini
There is one point I should add: When you are ready to pick a task, look at the 0.13.0 roadmap, not the 0.12.0. 0.12.0 is more or less ready for release. We are only waiting for the last damn feature (TM) to be finished.

And based on what you said, you might be interested in this task. Originally I thought this rendering feature wouldn't be used in Morrowind.esm, but apparently it is in at least one spot. We currently have a rendering-related crash there, but once that is fixed, this task is up for grabs.

Re: My application as OpenMW developer

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 13:22
by scrawl
Sure, I've forked openmw on github and will be looking out for tasks.

I'm interested in the task you suggested, just drop me a message when this bug is fixed (I'm on IRC as well)

Re: My application as OpenMW developer

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 20:51
by ElderTroll
The legion grows! Welcome Scrawl, glad to have you.

Re: My application as OpenMW developer

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 21:52
by raevol
Welcome Scrawl!!

Re: My application as OpenMW developer

Posted: 24 Jun 2012, 13:03
by sirherrbatka
Well, Scrawl did incredible job already. Thank you! :-)