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color saturation

Posted: 30 Jun 2018, 20:10
by nicoo
is-it possible to set the level of color saturation directly from the engine ?

Re: color saturation

Posted: 01 Jul 2018, 11:49
by drummyfish
Currently not. There's some talk about postprocessing effects which would allow this, but no one's working on it yet AFAIK. I'd personally like to see it too.

Re: color saturation

Posted: 02 Jul 2018, 23:50
by nicoo
Hi drummyfish,
I'd like to help you.
I did some openscengraph some years ago when student. To be fair, I have to say that I always got the feeling that OSG was lacking of good up to date tutorial/documentation¹ and the mailing list was... well, let say it was hard to get an answer²... so I didn't do much because of that.

so for me it would be a huge task to work on that without guidance and supervision. And to be honnest I would certainly give up at some point.

is it possible to get a tutor, someone who gives me some basic tasks and supervise me ? first to help me to understand faster the code architecture of OM. and second someone who knows well enough OSG to plan tasks for implementing everything for the postprocessing effects ?

I'm a software dev and I worked for an open source project (yes I was paid). I can give you, in private, my linkedin.

¹ I checked on internet, the newest book I can have access at the library was published in 2012...
² don't know if it's the same in 2018

Re: color saturation

Posted: 03 Jul 2018, 14:33
by AnyOldName3
It was a steep learning curve when I started with OSG, too. I found some old tutorials, and then did some digging to find a mirror of them which included the resource files and example images. I then tried to follow them, but adapt them to modern OSG as I went (e.g. using osg::ref_ptr instead of naked pointers). It taught me enough of how things work for the documentation to become somewhat usable, and then I sort of jumped into things. Documentation isn't great, especially as they've decided that there's no need to host it on OSG's site as you can just browse the source to see which classes have which functions and what they're supposed to do, and using the mailing list has so far netted me a thread with no replies and a thread where I got told off for being childish because I didn't sign it with my real name. Thankfully, once you understand the basics of OSG, the details are all fairly sensible, so it's not too much hassle to work around all of this.

If it helps, I still have a bookmark to the tutorials here:

Re: color saturation

Posted: 03 Jul 2018, 15:06
by psi29a
Thanks for this. I too started getting into OSG, with real opengl knowledge before hand.

I downloaded this: ... ners-guide

and followed through, so I had a basic understanding of what is going on but still feel 'lost' most of the time. :/

Understandably, I and probably others, would be very interested in a sort of OSG apprenticeship.

Re: color saturation

Posted: 05 Jul 2018, 01:28
by nicoo
would you be ready to supervise me and to plan tasks ?
I know the website, I was visiting it before Vulkan came out. There was another one (don't find it) where there is/was implementations of shaders, like parallax mapping (I may have a clone of the repo on my oldest laptop).

I did used to read that book, I can still read it online through the website of a library. I suggest people to check at their libraries (town/university). Example: ... 96f0c08827

Re: color saturation

Posted: 05 Jul 2018, 11:53
by AnyOldName3
I can certainly help if you've got specific questions. Big features, like distant statics or the post-processing framework, definitely need two people to discuss implementation ideas before someone rushes in. There are probably some smaller things that need a graphics programmer, too, but I don't know what they are off the top of my head.

Re: color saturation

Posted: 06 Jul 2018, 01:35
by nicoo
would you we take time to talk online on irc at #openmw ?