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How Does One Move A Cell From One Location To Another?

Posted: 30 Aug 2016, 20:26
by MrAnonGuy

Many of the existing player home (or building) addons I see are contained within a single cell. How does one go about moving an entire cell from one location to another in OpenMW-CS?


Re: How Does One Move A Cell From One Location To Another?

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 02:45
by Amenophis
I think this issue is already reported here

Re: How Does One Move A Cell From One Location To Another?

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 07:10
by MrAnonGuy
Thank you for pointing that out. Although, I would like to understand the steps required to move a cell from one location to another. Can an entire cell simply be selected and moved?

Any clarification how on to do this would be appreciated.


Re: How Does One Move A Cell From One Location To Another?

Posted: 01 Sep 2016, 05:50
by MrAnonGuy
Maybe this is just a dumb question. I don't know. It wouldn't be the first time I asked one and it won't be the last. :mrgreen:

Anyway, I just realized that there are interior cells and exterior cells. If I'm getting the gist of it, you create an exterior cell, say for the exterior of a building, the door acts as a transporter to the interior cell. I'm just not sure how you get the coordinates in which to transport to and from.

It appears I can create an exterior cell, then simply drop that onto a scene view of several grid blocks I've selected to view. Although, my mouse doesn't track with the selection. It gets way ahead of the selected object I'm moving and I keep having to move a little at a time until I finally get there. Not sure what's up with that?

Was there a specific question somewhere is this post? Not sure, but if anyone would be so kind as to give me a few tips, it would be appreciated.

Oh, almost forgot. When I create an exterior cell, it asks for x & y. What do I put there? It appears some of the records contain an ID of x,y coordinates, while others simply have a name for the ID. It's a bit confusing for a noob like me. :)


Re: How Does One Move A Cell From One Location To Another?

Posted: 01 Sep 2016, 08:35
by aesylwinn
There are a couple differences between interior and exterior cells. One difference is the name. Interior cells have actual names. Exterior cells have coordinates for their name. For example, one of the exterior cells in Seyda Neen is called "#-2 -9" while one of the interior cells you can teleport to is called "Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse".

You can probably get a better idea of what's going on if you look at World->RegionMap. All of the exterior cells can be seen from there laid out in their relative locations. You can get their cell coordinates/name in a tooltip by hovering over a cell, and right clicking gives you the option to view the cell.

I would avoid making your own external cell at the moment. Terrain editing isn't supported yet, so adding your own terrain data would require the use of external tools. I can't quite understand what you mean when you say you are dragging the exterior cell, but if you are dragging it into the scene view from a data table, then that should only be causing that cell to load.

For teleportation, have a look at the record (in World->Instances) of "ex_common_door_01" in cell#-2 -9. You'll see there is a teleport checkbox and a field for the cell name.

That said, I haven't personally added an interior cell, so I'm not sure if that works. I'll do that now.

Re: How Does One Move A Cell From One Location To Another?

Posted: 01 Sep 2016, 08:43
by weedfreak
Also note if you are following the vanilla tutorials, which explain how to set up coordinates for teleport, they add door markers to orient your character and place then in front of the door, CS does not have door markers yet which makes the adding of teleport doors more complicated.

Re: How Does One Move A Cell From One Location To Another?

Posted: 01 Sep 2016, 09:17
by aesylwinn
So when you add an interior cell, you also need to manually set the name field at the moment. I'll push a fix for that at some point in the near future. Keep in mind that you'll have to create your own door at the moment because of the bug discussed in the other thread.

Re: How Does One Move A Cell From One Location To Another?

Posted: 01 Sep 2016, 13:37
by MrAnonGuy
@aesylwinn & @weedfreak
Thanks for much for the tips and information.

I think I've got it now. Light bulb going on -> :idea:

I was able to drag an object (generic house exterior) from the object table and drop it onto an exterior cell in a newly created addon, and it remained after saving. I was also able to place a door, transport to an interior cell and then back out again, arriving at the correct location.

Baby steps, I know. But hey, you gotta start somewhere, right? :mrgreen:

Thanks again for the assistance.