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On Target enchantment Cast On Strike behavior

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 19:55
by DestinedToDie
"[20:47] -openmw-git:#openmw- [openmw] scrawl pushed 2 new commits to master:
[20:47] -openmw-git:#openmw- openmw/master 5cdee45 scrawl: Fix degree/radians mixup (Fixes #3213)
[20:47] -openmw-git:#openmw- openmw/master d05603c scrawl: Directly apply On Target 'When Strikes' enchantments instead of launching a projectile (Fixes #3212)"

So this is a little neat dream I have. I want to swing Trueflame in the air and have it shoot out fireballs without it connecting to any actual enemies. This would open up a whole new world of combat that was totally unexplored in Morrowind. Why have On Touch and On Target function virtually the same where you could swing your weapon around and use the enchantment part of it like a projectile?

Re: On Target enchantment Cast On Strike behavior

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 20:45
by Ace (SWE)
Sort of like Cast On Use, but rather Cast On Swing?

Sounds perfectly doable to me, though it will probably have to come after 1.0 when more modding capabilities are available.

Re: On Target enchantment Cast On Strike behavior

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 22:10
by DestinedToDie
Made an issue for it:

Here´s to hoping that I can release a fury of fireball slashes in the future.

Re: On Target enchantment Cast On Strike behavior

Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 15:03
by Count
This is already a thing in a mod, where all Cast on Strike enchantments are turned into Cast on Swing, but I think it requires the script extender so it may not work with OpenMW. :ugeek:

Re: On Target enchantment Cast On Strike behavior

Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 15:09
by Ace (SWE)
Wasn't that an MWE mod? Or maybe I'm thinking of one that made staffs that worked like the ones in Oblivion.

I remember that it spawned an invisible enemy in front of you on every swing, gave you 100% hit chance, and then removed the enemy when hit, so that the On Target enchantment would keep going and not hit them.

Re: On Target enchantment Cast On Strike behavior

Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 15:22
by DestinedToDie
That doesn´t sound very favorable, though. It would mean that while your weapon is now good for ranged, it will be unusable for meele.

Re: On Target enchantment Cast On Strike behavior

Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 15:33
by Amenophis
Think in magic wands. Would be great for RP.

Re: On Target enchantment Cast On Strike behavior

Posted: 03 Mar 2016, 11:01
by Pop000100
The mod did it in a hackish way.(it showed the creatures healthbar)