A Noob question

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Posts: 2
Joined: 22 Jan 2016, 15:21

A Noob question

Post by 420Kraken »

Hello guys!
First off, I'm using Linux but I don't know it really in-depth. I can use the terminal and know my way around the basic things, but I'm not very proficient at using commands, repositories, etc. I really want to play Morrowind though, but both the Steam and GOG versions don't work on Linux. I found out about this project by browsing and saw a glimmer of hope. My question is - if I get a retail copy of the game and download the Launchpad PPA, will I be able to run the game on my Ubuntu without any additional hassle?
Cheers :)
Posts: 148
Joined: 06 Aug 2013, 09:14

Re: A Noob question

Post by K0kt409P »

A little additional hassle is required, but not much. Your options are:

1. If you buy via GOG, you can either:
- Download the executable.
- Extract the files within using innoextract, which is available from Ubuntu's repositories (sudo apt-get install innoextract).
- Run openmw-launcher and point the setup wizard at Morrowind.esm.
- Install Morrowind in Wine.
- Run openmw-launcher and point the setup wizard at Morrowind.esm.

2. If you buy via Steam, you can either:
- Use steamcmd to download the files.
- Run openmw-launcher and point the setup wizard at Morrowind.esm.
- Install Steam in Wine.
- Install Morrowind via Steam in Wine.
- Run openmw-launcher and point the setup wizard at Morrowind.esm.

I recommend the first option, since it does not require the use of proprietary software at any step.
Posts: 2
Joined: 22 Jan 2016, 15:21

Re: A Noob question

Post by 420Kraken »

The first option seems the most reasonable and mostly hassle free, yes.
But can I use a physical copy of the game, as well as the digital versions ?
Posts: 148
Joined: 06 Aug 2013, 09:14

Re: A Noob question

Post by K0kt409P »

Yes, as long as it's the PC version. The XBOX version is not supported.
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