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"What's up?" or openmw "blog".

Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 18:42
by lgromanowski
sir_herrbatka wrote: Hi,

Can we add article to wiki with info about what's going on at the moment (eg. we had some audio related crashes this week but we know what was wrong...).
Zini wrote: I think the idea was to post this in the forum instead. Some people volunteered to do it, though I haven't heard anything from them yet:
sir_herrbatka wrote: So I will do the job. First I'm going to ride my bike :D When I will be back I will write short text. Maybe nico will be so nice to move it into Announcements subforum later.
Star-Demon wrote: Would definitely be helpful to keep everyone aprised of all the goings-on with the code. While it's more or less easy to go around and see when someone posts that they've made changes, or if there's a new task or something - one guy looking out for all of us on that would be very helpful.
sir_herrbatka wrote: Ok, I started it. Now it's poor but it will be better next time as I'm holding my hand on pulse.
nicolay wrote: *bump* any progress on this? :)
sir_herrbatka wrote: I decided to post every wensday, and I'm trying to track recent changes. The first post was screwed up but now I'm doing it with more attention.

Hope that it's ok :roll:
nicolay wrote:
Ah, missed that one. Nice!
sir_herrbatka wrote: Ok, :)

Nico, don't you think that it would fit better on the top of general discussion or in Announcements?
nicolay wrote: I was about to suggest that you post them Announcements yourself :) I've created a new "Announcers" usergroup and added you to it (if I understand phpBB permissions correctly.) Is that ok for you?

I'm not sure what would be the best format - a new topic per week or sticking in one thread like you've done - both would work. A new topic per week has the benefit that each post shows up in the RSS feed, so maybe that's best. What do you think?
sir_herrbatka wrote: Hey! Thanks man! It's completly ok.

I'm not sure about RSS stuff. Akregator gives me update after any post on the forum (but not after post edit), not just about new topic. Did I missed something?

Well, I would rather try to avoid spaming forum with new topic each week - this is sort of brain fuck when random person opens subforum and see some sort of raports, relases etc. without any order.

So! I would rather stick to on thread schema. Even If someone did not recived rss update he can check topic on monday. Am I right?
nicolay wrote:
sir_herrbatka wrote:I'm not sure about RSS stuff. Akregator gives me update after any post on the forum (but not after post edit), not just about new topic. Did I missed something?
There's a special "news" feed that only picks up new topics in the announce board. I figure some people are only following that feed to keep tabs on what's happening from afar.
So! I would rather stick to on thread schema. Even If someone did not recived rss update he can check topic on monday. Am I right?
No prob, sounds good!
sir_herrbatka wrote: Ok, so I will start new thread soon. :)