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Magic and OpenMW

Posted: 17 Dec 2014, 21:09
by Blackmill
Morrowind's great magic system was, in my opinion, limited by the fact that NPCs could not use the same variety of spells as the player. For instance, you could use demoralize humanoid on an enemy mage, but the enemy mage could not do the same to you. So, this brings me to my question; will openMW allow for a mod in which NPCs to use a greater variety of spells and in particular illusion (calm, fear, frenzy) spells on the player?

Re: Magic and OpenMW

Posted: 17 Dec 2014, 23:16
by ghosterX
I am not apart of the OpenMW development team but this is how I would implement each spell effects for the player. These effects are designed not to take too much control away from the player.

Fear: Take the ability away from the player the ability to attack the caster.
Clam: Same as Fear but the caster appearing not to move. The real caster is “invisible” and attacking you and when you get attacked the spell wears off.
Frenzy: Attack anything close to you without casting any spells of course. So it doesn't waste magicka. If you attack any citizens while under this spell you don't get a bounty.

I do not recommend adding any of this because this will take control away from the player and, it could hard to implement.

Re: Magic and OpenMW

Posted: 17 Dec 2014, 23:41
by SquireNed
Not without a mod, no. Any major changes like that would have to be modded in, since (AFAIK) all NPC's and spellcasting creatures have predefined spell lists, so even if there were to be effects added to the player for handling such things the spells would not be in place to be cast upon them.

Re: Magic and OpenMW

Posted: 17 Dec 2014, 23:47
by Blackmill
I have to disagree. I don't think emulating frenzy, fear, and calm effects actually changes gameplay in a positive way. On the other hand, I think allowing for the PC to be controlled by illusion effects would add a lot of depth Morrowind's gameplay. To combat such opponents, one may have to use spell absorption, damage intelligence, silence, or one of the many other effects that is available in Morrowind.

And I should have made my question more clear. I wanted to know if OpenMW makes it possible for a mod that does what I described to exist. I corrected the op.