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Lots of general skills, looking to help

Posted: 24 Jul 2014, 03:52
by crysthala
Hello there! An agoraphobe here, who sits at home all day with nothing to do and sometimes gets bored. I'm full of ideas for mods, which I can't make because of Morrowind's engine and scripting limitations--I'm not good enough at code to navigate around Morrowind's inconveniences like others are, so expanded scripting capabilities would be a great help and would cause me to love you guys unreservedly and unabashedly forever. Morrowind is my home, and renovations would be greatly appreciated. :p

I have a general understanding of how code works, but not enough knowledge to actually help with that side of things. I do, however, have a vast array of development programs available to me, all of which I have (at minimum) a basic working knowledge of. I can edit sound in a variety of ways, and have a studio mic. I can capture sound, video, and screenshots, and edit all three, and convert freely between textures and normal images. I can make Windows and Mac icon files. I'm also a boss with MS Word and the English language, and I read at prodigious speeds. I also obsessively proofread everything I write (including this).

Phew. So, yeah, if you need any of that stuff, let me know. Otherwise, er... where do we send the beta notes? I have a page and a half of notes from my first half-hour of play here, and don't know where to put them.

Re: Lots of general skills, looking to help

Posted: 24 Jul 2014, 09:44
by Zini

We still need help with the OpenCS manual and the icons. Unfortunately there has been no progress with these recently and we are falling behind heavily.

Recently a user (Sload) had a go at organising these tasks (see here and here). I haven't heard from him for a while, but I hope he is still around. If you are interested in any of these tasks, you should at least try to coordinate with him.
Phew. So, yeah, if you need any of that stuff, let me know. Otherwise, er... where do we send the beta notes? I have a page and a half of notes from my first half-hour of play here, and don't know where to put them.
I presume we are talking mostly bug reports here? You can post these on the forum, but we also have a bug tracker.

Re: Lots of general skills, looking to help

Posted: 24 Jul 2014, 14:25
by crysthala
Zini wrote:If you are interested in any of these tasks, you should at least try to coordinate with him.
All right, I'll do that.
Zini wrote:I presume we are talking mostly bug reports here? You can post these on the forum, but we also have a bug tracker.
Yeah, mostly bugs. I have to say, though, it's much more developed than I had anticipated. Other than a few relatively minor issues, it's totally playable. Color me impressed. :D Thanks for the welcome! I'll stop by the bug tracker.