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3D scene: Lighting modes

Posted: 10 Nov 2013, 12:32
by Zini
Since we have OGRE integration in master now (still needs some fixing), its time to start discussing lighting modes.

We will have a single button that shows the currently selected lighting mode and when clicked on, will pop up a horizontal list of buttons that represent all lighting modes (widget already implemented).

I am currently considering these modes:

- no additional lighting (only light from light objects)
- some ambient lighting
- a single spot light (above the camera, simulating the sun)
- spot light and ambient lighting


btw. we should try to keep this one simple, i.e. no additional settings for the lighting modes; the user should just chose one and be done with it. For a more detailed examination he can always view the scene in OpenMW (we will also get a button for that eventually).

Re: 3D scene: Lighting modes

Posted: 10 Nov 2013, 20:27
by Tarius
Something that allows for full bright. In alot of cases(but not all of course), it doesnt matter what the lighting looks like when you are placing objects because you just wanna see the object and those around it. This is likely just an extension of ambient cranked up all the way.

Re: 3D scene: Lighting modes

Posted: 11 Nov 2013, 03:29
by Rhys
Zini wrote: - no additional lighting (only light from light objects)
- some ambient lighting
- a single spot light (above the camera, simulating the sun)
- spot light and ambient lighting
Not sure if you included this already but it definitely IMO needs daytime ( sun and no light objects ) and night ( moon and all light objects ) view.
Perhaps there might be seperate lighting options for interior and exterior cells

- day ( sun + no light objects unless interior )
- night ( moon + all light objects )
- ambient ( even lighting + no light objects )
- ambient boost ( brighter ambient lighting )
- ambient + lights ( even lighting + light objects on )
- virtual lights ( object is lit from a 3 set lights from various directions depending on mesh normal to view ) This is like a 3D program lighting, the light on the faces change as you move the viewport.

- normal lighting (only light from light objects + cell natural ambience)
- ambient ( even white lighting + no light objects )
- ambient boost ( brighter white ambient lighting )
- ambient + lights ( even lighting + light objects on )
- virtual lights ( object is lit from a 3 set lights from various directions depending on mesh normal to view ) This is like a 3D program lighting, the light on the faces change as you move the viewport.

Re: 3D scene: Lighting modes

Posted: 11 Nov 2013, 04:25
by Chris
Having a 'time of day' slider (and probably a weather selection) would make a lot of sense, to see how the place would look in various weather conditions at various times. This could be important for interiors too, since I imagine we'll eventually have the ability to place light sources inside that simulate the light from outside (e.g. lights streaming in from windows or cave entrances that change in brightness and color dependeing on the outside weather and time of day).

Re: 3D scene: Lighting modes

Posted: 11 Nov 2013, 09:14
by Zini
Let's try to keep this simple. A few modes are okay. A few more modes, too. But additional configuration for these modes is overkill (and can also become very annoying very fast). You can always launch OpenMW to have a quick peek on how it looks in-game.

@Rhys: Why would you exclude light objects? They are always present (unless disabled by a script), so I do not see the point of having a lighting mode that excludes them.

Re: 3D scene: Lighting modes

Posted: 11 Nov 2013, 10:39
by Rhys
Zini wrote:@Rhys: Why would you exclude light objects? They are always present (unless disabled by a script), so I do not see the point of having a lighting mode that excludes them.
I haven't played Morrowind for years but is it that lights don't run in the daytime?

I guess as you say there is no reason to have lights off with ambient lighting mode but if there is a daytime lighting mode then lights should render as they would in-game.

Re: 3D scene: Lighting modes

Posted: 11 Nov 2013, 15:41
by Zini
I am fairly sure that light objects are not switched off during daytime.

Re: 3D scene: Lighting modes

Posted: 27 Mar 2014, 14:53
by Zini
The first iteration of the lighting modes is now in master. As with the navigation feature, this is subject to change. Even more so, I suspect, since only once we have a proper scene to light, we can say for sure if those lighting modes are any good.

Lighting modes can be selected via a new button in the render subview toolbar (2nd button in the view subview, 1st button in the preview subview). Icons are only placeholders at this time.

Available modes:

Day: Ambient as per cell data (interior) or medium ambient light (exterior), plus a medium directional light pointing vertically down (simulating sunlight)
Night: Ambient as per cell data (interior) or low ambient light (exterior), plus a weak directional light pointing vertically down (simulating moon/starlight)
Bright: Max ambient light (ignoring cell data), plus a strong directional light pointing vertically down.

Re: 3D scene: Lighting modes

Posted: 11 Apr 2014, 16:48
by seneca37
As an Interior Modeler and Reviewer for TR I have a few suggestions
1) I never use CS without turning on the bright light. The default setting is unrealistic - its way too dark. If you could make the default light setting match the in-game view, that would be nice.
2) One general ambient bright light - similar to the bright light in the CS is good.
3) When checking item placement, I sometimes need to bring in an additional white light. It would be nice to have a spot light directly where the camera is - pointing forward. This would be useful for placing dark items against dark walls.

Re: 3D scene: Lighting modes

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 12:03
by sirherrbatka
Welcome on our boards and thank you for your sugestions!