Unwritten: Echoes of Twilight

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Unwritten: Echoes of Twilight

Post by joelph »

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/594 ... f-twilight

A game in development by veteran elder scrolls modders. Sorry for signing up to post this haha. i have been watching OpenMW for quite a while but i am waiting for 1.0 release and don't think i have anything to contribute so I just lurk, haha.

but I am hoping this is surely a project everyone here will be interested in, I will be backing, but even if you can't afford to, it would be great if you can just share this on Facebook, twitter, you name it, because this game has to be made!
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Re: Unwritten: Echoes of Twilight

Post by Chris »


As much as I like the concept and would like to see it come to fruition, I have a lot of reservations about it. For one, they're only asking for $500k (and expect to get it in less than a month), despite using pricey middleware like Havok Vision, LipSync, and SpeedTree, as well as pricey dev tools like 3Ds Max and Maya. The inclusion of LipSync implies they want voice acting, and they're expecting to deal with publishing and promotional fees, and they want it on consoles too (more licensing fees). Then there's paying the developers that will work on the game for the duration of development, and post-release support. Their goal is to have it done in one year.

This isn't even considering the fact that these guys' main portfolio work is modding TES games, and that their pitch is basically "TES RPG games today are watered down casual games. We want to make it better.". I really don't think they understand the full scope of a complete game, let alone an open world RPG. There's no in-depth mission statement, so while they throw around statements like "In modern games, immersion, interactivity, and customization are often watered down by major studios, resulting in diluted replay value and degradation of the “role play” nature of the games", it leaves me wondering exactly what they mean. Certainly there are things that are watered down or missing in most big-budget games today, but there's also been improvements in those same fields. So what exactly do they see as being the problem(s), and how do they intend to do it better?

To say nothing of the fact that the very games they're criticizing are made by dozens of full-time developers that have experience with these types of games, and have millions of dollars and half a decade to make the game with (using a familiar engine that the company made and can trace its roots back to the mid-90s), and they expect to do better with a half dozen people that have little experience in game development with half a million dollars.

I'm sorry, but I just don't find it a very reasonable prospect. While these guys may have an impressive modding pedigree, making a full and complete commercial game is a completely different beast. That they tentatively expect to have it done in one year implies they don't have a handle on the scope of what they're asking to do, and the amount they're asking for makes me question their expectations for the cost of development. You can't really go "Games today are lacking. Give us money, we'll make something good!" without being a pre-established studio whose work can speak for itself.

If I were to offer them advice, I'd say get some complete games under your belt first. Prove to me that you can make good games on a smaller scale before tackling something much bigger, and that you have an appreciation for the scope of what you're wanting to do. Then get something basic together to show off before asking for money, so people can get an idea of what you're capable of and what you're aiming to do. Be clear about your aims and goals with the project. Oh, and one more thing: don't start talking DLC before you've even started the main game, let alone exclusive DLC.
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Re: Unwritten: Echoes of Twilight

Post by psi29a »

It seems like an overly ambitious project, immature/marketing speak (turn off), and no direct Linux support. Sadly I'll be taking my money elsewhere. Pity really. I hope it works out for them.
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Re: Unwritten: Echoes of Twilight

Post by Chris »

Another point of concern is that these guys intend to release the game on consoles as well. That alone means more development costs as you're then creating the game and have to take more time to port it to two other systems. Plus, it's a simple fact that console games have different needs and expectations than PC games* (not only in technical aspects like system power and input capabilities, but also in more social aspects like how people approach the gameplay). A number of issues most RPGs these days tend to have is due to those differences. So, that these guys plan on having it on the consoles gives me concerns about their understanding of the problems.

* And to hopefully avoid any flaming, I'm not saying consoles are bad. I'm just saying that different systems have different strengths and weaknesses, and those strengths are more conducive to certain types of games than others. Consoles handle games like platformers, fighters, and racers well, for example, while PCs handle games like (western) RPGs, RTSs, and FPSs well.
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Re: Unwritten: Echoes of Twilight

Post by taknamay »

I don't have a steady income, so I wouldn't be able to contribute anyway. But in general I don't speculate in proprietary games which are generally funded by license fees... as opposed to free games, which are not sold per-license and therefore have an actual need for my money. I don't see anything crazy-unique about this game, and it's not cross-platform either.

Nevertheless, best of luck to their game. I just don't see why proprietary games need crowdfunding, considering that it has a profitable business model. On the other hand, since you get an early copy at $30, it could be interpreted as an early-buyer discount, which is reasonable. Similar to Minecraft alpha.
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Re: Unwritten: Echoes of Twilight

Post by joelph »

they have released a video, by still only concepts. do they intend to make an entire game in the space of a year? seems like a big ask haha.

atleast with people like the climates of tamriel modder and the unnoffical patch modder you know the lighting weather will be good and bugs will be minimal. something that is never present in an elder scrolls game. ahahaha :lol:
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Re: Unwritten: Echoes of Twilight

Post by viralata »

It seems they are making a second run over kickstarter:

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/594 ... f-twilight

And it also looks like they have more than concept to show
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Re: Unwritten: Echoes of Twilight

Post by viralata »

And guess what? Gopher will be making the voice of a companion!!!

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Re: Unwritten: Echoes of Twilight

Post by ezze »

If they decide to make it open source, or at least not using so many proprietary tools, they have my money. The idea seems nice.
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Re: Unwritten: Echoes of Twilight

Post by viralata »

It seems those druid gamework guys have changed the Unwritten name to Witanlore. I've found that when I went into their website.

Funny enough, they're running a new Kickstarter, but it seems to be a different game than the previous one
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