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Re: Morrowind Equations

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 09:57
by Myckel
Greendogo wrote: This is against everything I've been taught about speed in MW over the years.
I think there is a lot of misinformation about Morrowind mechanics spread through the interwebs. More about how people think it works, but never measured it.

Re: Morrowind Equations

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 10:48
by modred11
Greendogo wrote:Edit: Wow, so height has nothing to do with speed. This is against everything I've been taught about speed in MW over the years. The higher the race's weight is, the higher their speed. That's really weird.
+1 to that. I'm holding out hopes that height will still come in to the effect of sandstorms. But... I mean, moving diagonally increases your speed... sooo... Not much hope.

Re: Morrowind Equations

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 11:00
by Greendogo
modred11 wrote:... I mean, moving diagonally increases your speed... sooo....
FAIL Bethesda, jeeze

Re: Morrowind Equations

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 11:30
by modred11
Greendogo wrote:If you're right about the movement formulas, then they should stack up to my in-game measurements.

I've taken the liberty of running many timed trials on a present course of 50 statics approximately 256 game units across each (to cut down on error). Basically, I would run this course and time myself until I would get to the end. I adjusted weight, speed and athletics to try and find the formulas, however I did this several weeks ago and I ran out of time and never came back to it. So I'm going to drop my results and my testing environment here for all to look at and fiddle with.

Link to the results on Google Docs

Link to the test environment.
Link to useful mod for adjusting skills and attributes on the fly.
After downloading both plugins, activate them and start a new game. Go to the right, next to the door out of the Census and Excise office in Seyda Neen. You may use the Qube to adjust your stats or to get items to weigh you down. You can put unwanted stuff into the chest behind the starting rug. In order to do a timed race, get a stop-watch ready and click on the rug (it's really a door that will reset your view to directly down the hall), and then when you're ready, push autorun (Q by default) and start the timer at the same time. When you get to the end stop the timer right when you hit the door. Entering the door at the end will reset your view to the starting line.
I converted your timed trials to velocity in terms on units / sec and checked them against my formula, and it seems correlate. My formula is about 2 units per second off though. I didn't check the last table of your tests cause it's late and I'm lazy, but the one above it is a similar test so it should be fine.

There's one test that's way off, at 1% encumbrance, with a speed of 250, athletics at 100, weight at 1.0, while running; you got a velocity of ~891.489065, whereas my formula expected a velocity of 962.21125, a difference of 70.722185. That's a huge discrepancy.

The two possibilities I see are:
The test's wrong
or There's another variable my formula doesn't account for

the ~2 units / sec velocity difference makes me suspect the variable thing, because I had a similar discrepancy with all my tests until I accounted for encumbrance. If there is another variable I suspect it was added in bloodmoon / tribunal... but only more tests will tell.

Here's my testing the formula against your tests
Spoiler: Show
and my original notes and tests I wrote whilst making the formula
Spoiler: Show

Re: Morrowind Equations

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 11:44
by Greendogo
There's a lot there, I'll have to give it a look tomorrow, as it's 3am here :D

I'm glad Athletics is coming together though!

Re: Morrowind Equations

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 13:10
by Epsilon
I'm kind of a newbie here, but I've been playing with the acrobatics thing. I hacked together a script to figure out jump peaks. It's actually not that heavy on CPU usage, which is surprising given that it executes every frame.

Code: Select all

Begin showjumpheight
short doonce = 0
short holdoff = 0
float prevz = 0
float curz = 0
float calcz = 0

If (doonce == 0)		; Should help prevent script-b0rk on first jump.
	set curz to ( player->getpos z )
	set prevz to ( player->getpos z )
	set doonce to 1

set curz to ( player->getpos z )

If (curz < prevz)
	If (holdoff == 0)
		If (curz > 143)	; Prevents spam while walking.
			set calcz to ( prevz - 142.1413422 )	; Based on ground level - saves calculation time.
			MessageBox "Jump peak was: %.7f", calcz
			set holdoff to 1

set prevz to curz

If (curz < 142.15)	; Waits for player to hit level ground. Also a horrible hack.
	if (holdoff == 1)
		set holdoff to 0

This script, or a script like it, would probably be useful in a testing cell for people working on other movement-based things - walking and swimming, probably. Make the script, and slap it onto an activator in the cell. Hopefully this helps someone!

And I hope to have something useful for acrobatics (complete with proof) within a couple of days, depending on schoolwork load.

Re: Morrowind Equations

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 14:14
by sirherrbatka
Thank you! That's nice script.

Re: Morrowind Equations

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 21:30
by Epsilon
Final utility script and Google Docs spreadsheet with all information collected!

(Just to clarify, this is for Acrobatics stuff.)

Spreadsheet: ... WkxU0d1QXc

Any values in the spreadsheet have been rounded to the nearest hundredth or thousandth. It should be obvious which are which. I hope. >_>

Code: Select all

Begin showjumpheight

; This has kind of evolved into an all-purpose testing script. Go figure.

short doonce = 0			; Prevents wonkiness with first jump with script on.
short holdoff = 0			; Prevents peak from continually recalculating.
short healthcheck = 0		; Checks fall damage on landing.
float prevz = 0				; Previous z location
float curz = 0				; Current z location
float calcz = 0				; Calculated z delta.
float calchealth = 0		; Calculated health delta.

If (doonce == 0)		; Should help prevent script-b0rk on first jump.
	set curz to ( player->getpos z )
	set prevz to ( player->getpos z )
	set doonce to 1

set curz to ( player->getpos z )

If (curz < prevz)
	If (holdoff == 0)
		If (curz > 143)	; Prevents spam while walking.
			set calcz to ( prevz - 142.1413422 )	; Based on ground level - saves calculation time.
			MessageBox "Jump peak was: %.7f", calcz
			set holdoff to 1

set prevz to curz

If (curz < 142.15)	; Waits for player to hit level ground. Also a horrible hack, because I think multiple frames process while jumping.
	if (holdoff == 1)
		set holdoff to 0
		set healthcheck to 1

If ( ( Player->GetFatigue ) > 300 )		; Second hack to keep fatigue at a desired level.
	Player->ModCurrentFatigue -1	; Continually knocks back fatigue to desired level.

If ( healthcheck == 1 )
	set calchealth to ( 100 - ( player->GetHealth ) ) ; Yet another hack. Make sure you've got 100 health for this to work properly.
	MessageBox "Damage on landing was %.7f", calchealth
	set healthcheck to 0		; Prevents continual spam of health calculation. May need to wait a frame here somewhere and somehow.

I'm running on no sleep, so I probably won't get around to formula stuff tonight.

Note: Encumbrance, Strength, Luck, and Agility don't affect fall damage. Strength, Luck, and Agility don't affect jumping ability.

If anyone can suggest anything I missed testing/getting values for, please let me know!

Re: Morrowind Equations

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 23:38
by HiPhish
Great, looks like you beat me :? I have started a thread, so maybe you would like to share your findings:

What does that script do and how would I use it? I never did anything with the Construction Kit, so I have no idea.

Another question: How is encumberance measured? Encumberance does affect jump height.

Re: Morrowind Equations

Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 00:48
by Greendogo
HiPhish wrote:Great, looks like you beat me :? I have started a thread, so maybe you would like to share your findings:

What does that script do and how would I use it? I never did anything with the Construction Kit, so I have no idea.

Another question: How is encumberance measured? Encumberance does affect jump height.
Encumbrance is the total weight of the items you are carrying in your inventory. For the purposes of Athletics, it is placed over your total available encumbrance (Strength x 5) to establish a PERCENT ENCUMBERED (Enumbrance / (Strength x 5)). I would imagine it appears in the Acrobatics formula the same way, with the percent encumbered instead of using the encumbrance by itself, but you'll have to test to make sure.