OpenMW Example Suite 0.13

OpenMW's very own demo, template and game to show off everything that OpenMW is capable of.

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Re: OpenMW Example Suite 0.13

Post by PeterBitt »

Out of curiosity: Have you guys created a single model yet? I searched here for a while but couldnt find anything? From what I realized the human body you have isnt made from scratch but the result of some generator, which btw isnt producing a properly optimized mesh.
DestinedToDie you have a patreon for 3d art, where are the references?

Its easy being a super nice open-source artist when you actually dont do anything :p
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite 0.13

Post by DestinedToDie »

I know I´m slow. If you´re unhappy with my lack of models you could take the iniative and replace me. If you make several models a month while I only half-make one, then there´d be no reason for patrons to support me.
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite 0.13

Post by PeterBitt »

Well, drop the 'everyone can do anything to your work and sell it as their own' license and we have a deal ;D
Nah I was just litteraly curious as the direction of this project is confusing for me. I had an eye on it for a long while, before I was aware of the license. But the more I think about it the more I doubt if such example suite is even needed. If it was made it needed top notch graphics and I am highly sceptical if open-source art will ever achieve that.
Best of luck tho and that castle wall looks like a good start for this model!
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite 0.13

Post by AnyOldName3 »

The ES is going to be CC-By-SA, so they can't sell stuff in it 'as their own'. Instead, they need to say who made it somewhere, and also have to release it as CC-By-SA, too. The template, however, is just CC-By, so it's possible for people to make a game dependent on it and sell the final game, otherwise it's not a very useful template.
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite 0.13

Post by psi29a »

PeterBitt wrote:Well, drop the 'everyone can do anything to your work and sell it as their own' license and we have a deal ;D
This is only for the openmw-template, even then they are forbidden by law to claim they created it or to claim that it was made by someone else.

It is a gift (CC-BY) from us to anyone that wants to jump right into OpenMW to make something. We did the ground-work, now go do your thing. People who work with the Template are still required, by law, to list you as creator of the work done even if modified/remixed/changed. The licensed can be changed, but only to something more strict. They can't public-domain your work.

The openmw-example-suite explained above, CC-BY-SA, meaning that others can use your work (play the game), they can remix/improve/change the work, but they still have to abide by the law and acknowledge you as the creator of the original work, in addition to this it has to be released with the same license. They can't change the license.

The template and the ES will be uploaded eventually to Debian and other Linux distributions. They will make a profit off the fact that they sell CDs and DVDs with the template/ES there, though they due this to help pay the costs of hosting servers and bandwidth for the volunteer project. They are upfront about their intentions and as such can not approve CC-BY-SA-NA licenses because it forbids making money of the licensed work.

This is the reason why I'm helping, to see that the template and the ES make into Debian.

What can I do to convince you or anyone to contribute? :D
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite 0.13

Post by DestinedToDie »

I recently got a pm from Greendogo. He asked the following:
Greendogo wrote:Hey DestinedToDie, I was wondering if you'd fill me in on what's going on with the Suite since we last spoke.
Since my answer was a little more indepth than anything I´ve discussed in this thread, I figured I´d share it here as well.

My plans involve starting with the large town/port first. I am working on the town walls, towers and entrance. The goal is simply to make some eye candy and display the normal mapping we recently got.

I haven´t actually talked about anything further on the forums, but here are the tasks that I personally plan to go through:

1. Get the castle walls/entrance/towers done.
2. Make doors so you can transition between walls via towers.
3. Go work on character animation.
4. Make a weapon.
5. Make a creature.

That way you can load up the game, equip your weapon, go to into the town (or at least town walls) and start slashing down enemies. Some very basic gameplay. What other people contribute we can add onto that. Be it extra weapons, town buildings, boats or more.

As simple as this sounds, it´s going to take quite some time. But I´ll work on it as long as there are people interested in this.
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite 0.13

Post by psi29a »

I'm all for this!

Any way we can have an antagonist? Perhaps a undead skeleton wondering around?

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Re: OpenMW Example Suite 0.13

Post by DestinedToDie »

As far as the antagonist, these have been my thoughts for the last few days.

The trail of journal pages leads you to Captain Baldbeard, who turns out to be the captain of the ship that got wrecked and you arrived on the island with. Whether he´s the baldest captain to sail the seven deadly seas or a madman or a piece of your imagination is for the player to speculate. He is outside the town and is surprised to see you alive.

He tells you that the treasure we came to the island for is inside the castletownport walls. However the front gate is closed. He can´t swim because the Devil of the Sea will grab his leg and drag him down into the depths. So he sends you to go around the castle, enter it from the port and open up the gate for him. There are undeads inside the castletownport. After you open the gate, he accompanies you to the holy Ship of Ordinance (placeholder name), which lies in the port.

The thing with this ship is that it wards off the Devil of the Sea. The one who shipwrecked the ship you arrived in. Perhaps because Captain Baldbeard was on it, but these details are not known to the player or subtly made clear via journal entries.

Unfortunately the ship needs some repairs, so you might be staying on the island longer than you thought. Captain Baldbeard sends you to find some repair materials. Cue in attempts from the Devil of the Sea to stop you.

Going with the psychiatry ward idea, the Devil of the Sea is actually your psychiatrist. He won´t let you leave the island/psych ward because, well... you´re kinda crazy. When you enter a quest-related place, you actually get teleported into a therapy session involving some amusing dialogue exchanges.


That said. This is so far off that I´m willing to bet we will change the story 4 times over before we actually get to implementing it.
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite 0.13

Post by PeterBitt »

psi29a wrote:
PeterBitt wrote:snip
Thanks again for the explanation, now I understand! If you guys get this going and need a single model here and there you will sure get your help eventually. Its just that you need to start to produce something to show to people, text alone never gets people interested.

For now I settled on a new project for myself, making a race track for the racing sim Assetto Corsa :ugeek:
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite 0.13

Post by psi29a »

PeterBitt wrote:Thanks again for the explanation, now I understand! If you guys get this going and need a single model here and there you will sure get your help eventually. Its just that you need to start to produce something to show to people, text alone never gets people interested.

For now I settled on a new project for myself, making a race track for the racing sim Assetto Corsa :ugeek:
Get going? It has been going for awhile... with releases. I'm not sure why you think that nothing has been done.

Here are all our files we've released.

The template is perfectly usable now and has been for about a year. Further work is on documentation and I would love to replace the existing NIF models with OSG versions if someone would be so kind as to help. :)
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