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Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 23:45
by Zini
Interesting. Still, the graphics problem don't sound like a blocker. The major sound issue is only a local problem and therefore also not necessarily a blocker. The minor sound issue sounds pretty bad though.

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 00:40
by Chris
Rebel-Rider wrote:Major issue: The ear splitting Ghostgate/Fence issue

Minor Issue: Sound manager sometimes exeeding the limit for number of soundsamples some soundcards can handle. this is reported to happen at Ghostgate/fence and in Vivec
AFAIK, both of these problems have existed whenever 3D sound was working, so they're nothing really new. I think they may even be slightly better behaved than before, given that we have sound volume settings now and the game won't die from trying to play too many sounds (though it'll slow down because of all the printing it will do in the terminal for trying to restart the sounds; that can be commented out if you want, but then we won't know when it happens).

I do have some ideas for how to fix (read: better handle) what happens when more sounds want to play than the system can handle, though I'm not sure if the changes needed for it should be done at this point before 0.14.

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 08:43
by Rebel-Rider
Zini wrote:Interesting. Still, the graphics problem don't sound like a blocker. The major sound issue is only a local problem and therefore also not necessarily a blocker. The minor sound issue sounds pretty bad though.
The graphics things mentioned are very small issues, so i agree with you.

To be honest on the sound issue.

Chris has also fixed an routing issue with OpenAL that could really have messed it up for a lot of people with certain soundcards, that worried me a lot more then the 2 things i mentioned.

The "minor" issue:
It continues playing sounds and music when the soundmanager "hits the wall", it just fails trying to play aditional ones. Fps drops into the mid/high 20`s in vivec, so as Chris said it just slows down a bit. And it only happens in vivec and the ghostgate/fence as far as i know.

The "major" issue:
As long as people get the word about the ghostgate being bad for your health i wont mind it not being fixed in 0.14.0, as long as is gets fixed somwhere down the line.

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 09:26
by Zini
it'll slow down because of all the printing it will do in the terminal for trying to restart the sounds; that can be commented out if you want, but then we won't know when it happens
Maybe only write a message the first time that this happens?

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 12 Apr 2012, 14:48
by psi29a
How are we with 0.14?

I've noticed a few tasks/features/bugs being marked closed yet in the comments it seems that some times are in an unfinished state (water being one of them).

Is every developer on the page when it comes to libraries being used?
libbullet 0.77
libogre 1.8rc1
libmygui 2.3.0

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 12 Apr 2012, 17:33
by Zini
Which issues do you mean? Water looks finished to me.

I am undecided about 0.14.0. I was hoping to get at least armour/clothing rendering in. May not be going to happen. But let's wait at least until the end of the week. I am also on some minor code improvements, that will take 2-3 more days.

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 12 Apr 2012, 17:38
by scrawl
I'm aware of the water glitches that have been posted. Read my comments on the issue tracker concerning those - they are not going to be fixed in the near future.

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 09:08
by Zini
Ah, yeah. These. Not a showstopper.

Anyway, what happened with the fps option? I think we agreed to leave it as it is, but add a keyboard shortcut. I don't remember seeing that happening.

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 09:16
by Zini
If there are any unfinished branches that are near completion, now would be a good time to finish them up. I see at least two candidates.

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 12:32
by psi29a
I got something weird when I compiled the latest branch, played and then quit...
Quitting peacefully.
*** glibc detected *** ./openmw: free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x00000000045cfd60 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
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