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Re: OpenMW 0.13.0

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 04:52
by jhooks1
Zini wrote: With the dialogue implementation we have moved a major step forward. Also, the new water adds an important graphical element. These two features alone offer more user-visible changes than the two previous releases together.
I disagree, I think that npc/creature animation is much more interesting than water. Plus the old scenenode npcs looked like shit. Just include in the readme some basic instructions on how to play/loop an animation, that should make it user visible.

EDIT: Didn't we agree that .13 would have npc clothing/armor?

Re: OpenMW 0.13.0

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 05:02
by pvdk
jhooks1 wrote:EDIT: Didn't we agree that .13 would have npc clothing/armor?
Yes, it's on the top of the roadmap for 0.13: Equipping items

Re: OpenMW 0.13.0

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 05:15
by ElderTroll
I don't think anyone disagrees with you Jhooks that animations are awesome. What's the reason for animations being off by default? Do they just cycle through all their animations?

Are we talking about NPC's having visible armor, clothing, and weapons or do you mean the player being able to equip things?

Re: OpenMW 0.13.0

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 05:17
by jhooks1
NPC's having visible armor and clothing. Also having animation turned on by the console is the right thing to do for now, until we implement AI.

Re: OpenMW 0.13.0

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 05:34
by ElderTroll
How close are we to having equipped items?

Re: OpenMW 0.13.0

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 09:11
by Zini
Okay, time to sort out some confusion.
I disagree, I think that npc/creature animation is much more interesting than water.
This is an 0.12.0 feature. Since we are talking about new features in 0.13.0, the awesomeness of animation doesn't count here.
How close are we to having equipped items?
I barely got started on the task. It requires a bit more clean up first than I anticipated. And since I had to spend most of my time on helping with bugfixing in 0.12.0, I barely got anything done from my task list for 0.13.0. I doubt I can get the backend ready for 0.13.0. But early in 0.14.0 should work.

Re: OpenMW 0.13.0

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 18:27
by jhooks1
OK, will wait for .14 to start on it.

My bad, when you said previous releases I thought you meant .12 and .11

Re: OpenMW 0.13.0

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 19:21
by Zini
I am starting to sort out the roadmap now. For once I will add more than one milestone (0.14.0 and 0.15.0). I will move everything out of 0.13.0 that either has other prerequisites in 0.13.0 or will be difficult to do in the timespan we are planning.
Same for moving stuff to 0.15.0 instead of 0.14.0 instead.
As announced before, I will also look for smaller tasks that can be added to 0.13.0, though we probably won't get too many and there are a few smaller tasks left in 0.13.0 anyway.

Re: OpenMW 0.13.0

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 19:37
by Zini
Okay. Done. Roadmaps for 0.14.0 and 0.15.0 are not necessary complete.

We have still several unclaimed task in 0.13.0. These should be relative quick (definitely doable in 2-3 weeks). So if you don't have an active task right now and are not needed for getting 0.12.0 out, please consider picking another task.

I moved a few unclaimed tasks from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0 and added one additional task: Death. That will have to be NPC and creature death for now. We can't handle player death yet. Would be an interesting feature though. It would allow us to start integrating the animation system into the game mechanics. Imaging setting an NPC's health to 0 and then watch the death animation play. Okay, it still requires console input, but it is still better than running the animations manually and it will also be the first step into combat game mechanics.

Re: OpenMW 0.13.0

Posted: 17 Feb 2012, 04:30
by jhooks1
Death will also have to interact with the physics system too. I think it is going to be an extremely hard feature to implement, simple idle ai would be easier for now, the npc/creature stays in the same position. With death the creature may lunge forward or backward and may need to end up colliding with a slope. There may be a rock/boulder in the way of the npc/creature and the npc/creature can't just float through it. Plus, once the creature is dead, you have to make activation work on its dead body, which also may require some big changes.