ESX selector and stuff

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Re: ESX selector and stuff

Post by Tarius »

Zini wrote:Mod doesn't really fit here, because it also include things like Morrowind.esm.

Content files?
Content list?
Content file list?

Just throwing a few more ideas around. I think "list" is actually pretty good. The word implies a linear order and should be sufficiently non-technical.
Content List seems like a good idea.
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Re: ESX selector and stuff

Post by Zini »

Yeah, I like that one too. Unless someone comes up with a reason not to use it, that's probably what we will use.

Okay, one problem less.

#1 (on our original list) done. Well, expect for the implementation. I'll add an issue for that.

#2 should be clear too. I'll add an issue.

That leaves us with 3-5.
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Re: ESX selector and stuff

Post by Zini »

Skipping #3 for now, because it is bloody hard to get right.

A small change to 4a. We replace --master and --plugin with --content (no more --game or --addon), The first file in the content list will be what was planned to be --game before. A recent discussion made me aware that both the --master/--plugin and the --game/--addon settings scheme have an edge case where major breakage occurs. Unlikely to be a problem in practice, but if we fix it, we can as well fix it properly (note that this does not affect the decisions to have different file types for game and addon).

4b should be obvious.

For 4c I think we decided to give the user a warning both on load and save. The question is still when to change the file name.

btw. this thread has gone long enough without anything happening and we have enough to get started now. I will make a separate branch as soon as graffys recent work is finished. I would very much like this to be in 0.25.0, but if it does not get ready in time, we can merge this branch later to avoid releasing a half finished feature.
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Re: ESX selector and stuff

Post by graffy »

Ok, just weighing in on a few things I've read... I've yet to peruse the code that's out there, but here's my two cents thus far:

1. I like "Content Library". It's a bit off because it doesn't really reflect the truth of the file structure, but that's kinda moot, here. It's not as if there is any alternate system or structure that's in use, so we're free to define our terms any way we like, IMO.

2. Given...

3. I think recent files will be fairly straightforward when we get some of the other details worked out. Really, if the editor content is going to be managed in terms of our profiles, content lists, whatever, then a simple list of the name of each profile / list is good enough. However, a way to explore the details (list the game & addon files that are a part of it) should be there as well. If we reduce the game file list to a combo box, the addon list could get shifted left, leaving space on the right to explore a selected addon's details...

4. As for the ESX selector, still working on that. Once I get through the code and UI a bit, I might throw some thoughts or questions out there. Am I the only one on it? (Fine with me either way, just wondering what's needed and who's working on it)...
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Re: ESX selector and stuff

Post by Zini »

However, a way to explore the details (list the game & addon files that are a part of it) should be there as well. If we reduce the game file list to a combo box, the addon list could get shifted left, leaving space on the right to explore a selected addon's details..
This is unrelated to the recent file list, because it would be a separate window. As for the ESX selector, I was more thinking of a single column layout with the game combobox on top of the addon list. Our current UI already looks a bit cluttered.
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Re: ESX selector and stuff

Post by pvdk »

graffy wrote:4. As for the ESX selector, still working on that. Once I get through the code and UI a bit, I might throw some thoughts or questions out there. Am I the only one on it? (Fine with me either way, just wondering what's needed and who's working on it)...
Well I'm currently working on some Launcher-related stuff, right now the Settings page with the Importer button. After that I need to sort things out with the configuration situation but you can always contact me if you run into things you need help with.
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Re: ESX selector and stuff

Post by graffy »

Zini wrote:This is unrelated to the recent file list, because it would be a separate window. As for the ESX selector, I was more thinking of a single column layout with the game combobox on top of the addon list. Our current UI already looks a bit cluttered.
Ok. Do we still want the filter line edit? Not sure I see the point...
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Re: ESX selector and stuff

Post by Zini »

Not sure either. Personally I would have not added it in the first place. We have a search function anyway. But on the other hand I am being repeatedly called a bloody minimalist for a reason. Can anyone come up with a usage scenario where the filter would be needed and where its usefulness outweighs the clutter it adds?
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Re: ESX selector and stuff

Post by pvdk »

Where is that search function then? I'd like to keep it in the Launcher so please don't remove it from the .ui file, just disable it in code in the CS if you're so adamant about removing it.
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Re: ESX selector and stuff

Post by Zini »

Search function: Make sure the table is focused and then start typing.

Removing filter from CS only: Nope. Let's stay consistent. Either remove it completely or remove it not at all.
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