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Re: Downtime

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 08:24
by Greendogo
Well that's disappointing, though I'm sure the fanfare it's been given isn't for nothing. I hope the rest of your setup goes smoothly and quickly, and that you find something to be impressed at.

Re: Downtime

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 09:01
by sirherrbatka
Maybe It's time to give KDE a try? It's more traditional then GNOME3 unity/shell, more stable, easier to configure, has nice applications like dolphin, kate, krusader and there is no problem with running firefox (you can have even KDE file picker in Firefox), claws-mail (yes, you can have a KDE file picker)...

Re: Downtime

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 09:22
by Zini
It's been a while since I used KDE, but last time I utterly hated it. Somehow feels more Windows-like than Windows ever did.

Re: Downtime

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 09:38
by sirherrbatka
It can be easily configurated, by default it looks and behaves like windows and honestly I don't think that this is a bad idea for a DE for all users.

My only problem with KDE that I can't ignore or solve is the fact that applications tends to look and behave in different way (on the KDE 3.5 it was even worse).

Re: Downtime

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 10:03
by psi29a
I just 'deal' with Unity... I've tamed it enough so that it behaves how I want and does not get in the way of my workflow. The only thing I do not like is that it eats up CPU time just as badly as Gnome3 so battery life is hurt as a result. XFCE is very laptop friendly but about as useful as OpenStep ;)

Gnome2 was just good at what it did, I wish the people of MATE success but I doubt it will keep developers.

Re: Downtime

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 10:24
by Zini
Don't know about MATE. There is obvously demand for a GNOME 2 like desktop. It might succedd after all. To be honest the changes in MATE that make it look more Windows-like are not that invasive and I have configured most of them away already. There are still some things (less commonly used features, I guess) that don't work properly. Not sure if it is a misconfiguration or MATE's fault.

Anyway, I am making some progress. The only things that still give me trouble are the window manager, the file manager, firefox and libreoffice. Everything else seems to work acceptably now.

Re: Downtime

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 11:55
by Zini
Firefox is starting to piss me off. Not to mention that I lost tons of functionality and interface customization. But why did they remove the statusbar? Makes no sense.

Re: Downtime

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 12:38
by sirherrbatka
it's also not as stable as it used to be :(

Re: Downtime

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 16:37
by raevol
I'm also "just dealing" with Unity. But I actually like it. It's not perfect, but it's better than most everything else.

XFCE was my first love though, and I still recommend it. I just got sick of all the tweaks I was having to do to a fresh Xubuntu install to get it the way I wanted it. With Unity, all I have to do is change the icon theme with Ubuntu tweak and get rid of workspaces with CCSM.

Re: Downtime

Posted: 16 Aug 2012, 11:03
by Zini
Back on duty. Sorry, that it took so long.

I don't exaggerate when I say that everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Murphy is victorious once again, it seems.

Firefox and the mate window manager still annoys me a great deal, the mate file manager is almost useful to me in its current state and I don't have a text editor that works in a satisfying way.

I could continue fiddling around with stuff, but I am getting tired of it and I wasted enough time already. So I will just take the resulting loss in productivity (and the increase in blood pressure).

I have started to work through the backlog. That will take a while though. If, in 24 hours from now on, there is still something I need to take care of (a pull request or a reply to a question), please send me a PM. With the amount of stuff that has piled up, it is quite possible that I am going to miss something.