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Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 28 Mar 2012, 20:45
by Zini
All after OpenMW 0.13.0 cleanup done; as well as the switch to OGRE 1.8.

I am awaiting your pull requests. If I get too many at once, processing them may take a bit longer (we really have a lot of (nearly-) finished feature branches this time).

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 29 Mar 2012, 09:30
by hircine
Zini, should I create a new thread on my Inventory/Container progress (its slow, because I am not that skilled) ?

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 29 Mar 2012, 09:48
by Zini

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 09:33
by Zini
With the editor finally getting into the hot phase, it is becoming more important to get record saving to work.

This is a very monotonous task, but it means a lot of work and any kind of screw-up will hurt the project badly (when tackling this task, some kind of automated testing should be added to lower the chance of such a screw-up).

This task has been on the roadmap for a while but no one has taken it yet. Seems unpopular for strange reasons. Any chance anyone is changing his mind about it?

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 11:18
by Ace (SWE)
I suppose I could try my hands at it, seeing as nobody else seems to wants to do record saving.
I just hope the task isn't cursed...

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 11:49
by Zini
Nah. It's actually pretty harmless. Just very boring.

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 11:54
by Ace (SWE)
Anyway, should I create a set of save<whatever> classes or just add a save function to the load<whatever> ones that already exist?
And on that matter, is all the data that needs to be saved contained in those files, or are there any cases where I have to read the data from somewhere else?

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 12:06
by Zini
Continuing this discussion in a separate thread.

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 22:35
by Zini
It's been almost two weeks since the last release. I think we should slowly start wrapping it up for the next set of RCs.

We definitely want to wait on clothing and armour rendering, but I suspect it won't take long. There are a few minor features that might get ready in time too, but we have a lot of new material already. Any further large changes should probably wait until 0.15.0.

Are there still sound issues to take care of? Are there any other issues that I am not aware of?

Re: OpenMW 0.14.0

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 23:28
by Rebel-Rider
Sound issues there are one major and one minor issue

Major issue: The ear splitting Ghostgate/Fence issue

Minor Issue: Sound manager sometimes exeeding the limit for number of soundsamples some soundcards can handle. this is reported to happen at Ghostgate/fence and in Vivec

Chris is looking into it.

Sail on boats sometimes turn transparent, depending on viewing angle.

Texture blending near waterline arround vivec is bad in spesific places, very sharp transitions.

Outside waterlevel seems to be a bit to high, water is breaking the ground surface in some locations it`s not supposed to.