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Re: Launching OpenMW from OpenMW-CS

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 01:27
by Ace (SWE)
And apparently the nightly builds have been broken since the weekend or so, curious why my notification system hasn't reported anything. For now I've bodged it while waiting for the proper fix to go through PR, so new nightlies in ~1½ hours that will be of the latest version and should have the fix.

Re: Launching OpenMW from OpenMW-CS

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 20:08
by aesylwinn
Thanks Ace.

Re: Launching OpenMW from OpenMW-CS

Posted: 10 Sep 2016, 08:59
by DestinedToDie
Good news, it works for me now.

Re: Launching OpenMW from OpenMW-CS

Posted: 16 Nov 2016, 19:33
by vaqtor
This feature doesn't work for me on the latest openmw build 0.40.0-5.
I've added a debug profile but when I clickon the "OpenMW start" button or use the Menu Item "Debug->Run Debug->'DebugProfile'" OpenMW doesn't start up and the debug log isn't filled.
What confuses me is that it looks like it's started because after trying to start the Menu Item to "Shutdown OpenMW" is enabled.

Is this feature really avaible in the current version?

Re: Launching OpenMW from OpenMW-CS

Posted: 20 Nov 2016, 09:24
by Zini
Yes, it is.

Re: Launching OpenMW from OpenMW-CS

Posted: 04 Feb 2017, 12:39
by vaqtor
i fixed it... to open morrowind from cs you need to run cs from the /bin directory or set the workin directory to it

Re: Launching OpenMW from OpenMW-CS

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 20:40
by Darklocq
I get this same error (when launching normally, not just from OpenMW-CS), using 0.41.0 build 9e8e9aef86 (a MacOS Sierra patch version from 2016-01 available in the OpenMW downloads directory). It seemed random, but I finally tracked it down to this: OpenMW chokes on any path containing an ampersand (&) character, e.g. data="/usr/local/games/Morrowind/mods/ambience & graphics/Better Bodies 2.2"

It seemed to be random, until I started eliminating potentially problematic characters like " " and "." to no available. Until I looked further back in the path and tried removing the "&".

This appears worthy of a bug report.

Re: Launching OpenMW from OpenMW-CS

Posted: 02 Mar 2017, 00:51
by AnyOldName3
You need two ampersands - boost uses it as an escape character in paths.