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Re: Podcasting Ability/Status

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 09:37
by raevol
Fine fine, fair enough. ;) But I reserve the right to harass you in the future! Haha.

Re: Podcasting Ability/Status

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 10:13
by Zini
Take your time.

What about Darkelfguy? I think he offered multiple times now to help out with the videos. Maybe he could fill in until WeirdSexy is ready and then eventually transition to editor/tutorials videos?

Re: Podcasting Ability/Status

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 13:16
by HiPhish
About the video editor, I have heard that Blender is pretty good for it. I haven't used it myself, so I can't vouch for it, but maybe it's something for you.

Re: Podcasting Ability/Status

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 13:53
by ElderTroll
It's time to find a new videographer. Darkelfguy is good, but the frame rates in his videos are often really low. Not the best to awe inspire people. Maybe we could find someone on youtube who already makes videos on older games? I should have more time in the following week. I'll try to spread the word around the interwebz that we are scouting for a new vlogger. Maybe I'll check out some forums dedicated to voice actors as well.

What combined features from 0.37/0.38 would be worth highlighting in a video? Some additional features, while necessary, are less noticeable to the average player.

Re: Podcasting Ability/Status

Posted: 27 Jan 2016, 19:49
by raevol
I don't think it's time to "find a new vlogger". With the team we have here, we can put together a video that is just fine. The only reason we're hesitant to do it is we want WeirdSexy's voice on it, because it has become a mainstay of the project.

Doing version release videos is a futile enterprise at this point, because there's little to no user-visible feature changes. We should do a video on the OSG switch, a new FAQ, and a video for 1.0 when it hits.

Re: Podcasting Ability/Status

Posted: 28 Jan 2016, 04:08
by ElderTroll

I hope you are right about the vlogger within the current community. If someone doesn't step up quickly, then I can try to recruit someone.

I disagree about waiting to do a video until 1.0. A few reasons:
1) It is the easiest way for people to find out about the project.
2) It makes it more visible to people outside of the narrow Morrowind/open source gaming communities
3) It's a great way to support the devs morale. They can step back and see the view counts and positive comments. I think scrawl at some point said that was one of the major motivating things for him. Getting yhat positive feedback.
4) scrawl's patreon is less than half of his base goal of 400 usd a month. I think that number could go up if there was a link in the release notes video blog.
5) If scrawl can get to the point of being supported by donations he said he can work on the project full-time, thus (likely) speeding up development.

So it'd be good if the devs got in one feature per release that is a noticeable improvement to lay people like shadows, ai door opening, distant land, object shaders, frame rate improvements, particles. Some of those are extremely complex and difficult, but there are probably some things on the tracker that are simpler. This of course also could include really bad bugs that have been fixed and improved the gameplay experience or immersion. I know scrawl is working on a lot of low level engine things right now.

Just my 2 cents.

Re: Podcasting Ability/Status

Posted: 28 Jan 2016, 10:20
by Zini
I haven't noticed any fps problems with Darkelfguy's videos, but you could be right about it.

The idea was to let Darkelfguy do mostly editor stuff. The framerate wouldn't matter there. And we are definitely not giving up on WeirdSexy. I am sure he will get going again eventually.

But I do agree that having an active YouTube channel is important. That's why it would be beneficial to have more than one person making videos for us.

Re: Podcasting Ability/Status

Posted: 28 Jan 2016, 22:32
by raevol
I'll sit down tomorrow and try to sketch out an OSG video. Maybe we can get this ball rolling by tossing pebbles at it.

Re: Podcasting Ability/Status

Posted: 29 Jan 2016, 23:04
by raevol
Did this instead lololololol: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3339

Re: Podcasting Ability/Status

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 02:49
by WeirdSexy
For what it's worth, I can record my voice in reasonable quality now.

I ended up using ardour for this on Windows actually...

After I got out of school, I basically stopped using linux. I was never a pro, but trying to go back after so much time away made me feel like a dunce. Especially since I'm a masochist and gravitate towards distros like arch linux and gentoo.

Linux was getting in my way. So, until I can work on that problem separately, I decided to see what could be done on Windows.

I can record my voice with Ardour.
I can record my screen with Bandicam (which is what I was already doing for the last few OpenMW videos that I did).

I was hoping that the release of OpenShot 2.0, which "runs" on Windows, would complete my toolchain. However, it was completely unusable for me. It crashes for me when trying to do pretty any sort of video manipulation.

So that's currently where I stand. When I get some more time, I'll try out a "baby" distro like OpenSUSE or something where maybe I can get openshot working. I'm sure it will not be comfortable mixing my production environment like that. Maybe, in the meantime, openshot will fix the windows issues. Other people seemed to be having similar issues.