Need help with importing models

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Posts: 14
Joined: 07 May 2021, 14:04

Need help with importing models

Post by Rosamonde »

I have made so far a handful spell tomes and crossbow models that I have made in Blender 2.79. With the tomes there is a issue when its dropped on the ground its ant sized and has a pink texture instead of the texture I added to it and as for the crossbow it has similar issues which also is at the wrong angle when equipped and it does not fire any bolts.

Is there any tutorial for Collada / Blender 2.79 that I can use? Maybe I am missing something that I have overseen or something. I cannot use latest version of Blender because as I tried running this newer program my computer froze on me which forced me to do a hard reset. I also tried using a nif exporter plugin for Blender 2.79 but it is not working for me either.

I also did looked at OpenMW modding guide but that guide doesn't explain what I need to do with the textures to make sure it stays correct, the model scale/position as well how to make it properly work as a weapon.

As for nif exporter under blender I get this assertion fail:

Code: Select all

Dev: Sys variable not set
Executing - Niftools : Blender Nif Plugin v2.6.0 (running on Blender 2.79 (sub 0), PyFFI 2.2.4.dev4)
Exporting /home/kruz/Dokumente/Sachen/Projekte/OpenMW/Crossbows/WillowCrossbow/WillowCrossbow.nif
Exporting objects
Smoothing seams between objects...
Fixed normals on 0 vertices.
Exporting geometry only
Writing NIF version 0x04000002
Exporting <bpy_struct, Object("WillowCrossbow")>
Exporting <bpy_struct, Object("WillowCrossbow")> as NiTriShape block
Exporting <bpy_struct, ImageTexture("Defuse")> as NiSourceTexture block
Exporting NiTexturingProperty block
Exporting NiMaterialProperty block
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kruz/.config/blender/2.79/scripts/addons/io_scene_nif/operators/", line 179, in execute
    return nif_export.NifExport(self, context).execute()
  File "/home/kruz/.config/blender/2.79/scripts/addons/io_scene_nif/", line 185, in execute
    root_block = self.objecthelper.export_root_node(self.root_objects, filebase)
  File "/home/kruz/.config/blender/2.79/scripts/addons/io_scene_nif/modules/nif_export/object/", line 91, in export_root_node
    n_root = self.export_node(b_obj_root, None)
  File "/home/kruz/.config/blender/2.79/scripts/addons/io_scene_nif/modules/nif_export/object/", line 191, in export_node
    return self.mesh_helper.export_tri_shapes(b_obj, n_parent,
  File "/home/kruz/.config/blender/2.79/scripts/addons/io_scene_nif/modules/nif_export/geometry/mesh/", line 429, in export_tri_shapes
    assert ((f_numverts == 3) or (f_numverts == 4))  # debug

location: <unknown location>:-1
Spoiler: Show
Thanks in advance.
Blend file of Willow Crossbow
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Issues with models
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Issues with models
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Posts: 14
Joined: 07 May 2021, 14:04

Re: Need help with importing models

Post by Rosamonde »

Well okay I got Blender 3.x version to work better on my machine somehow, no idea what got changed apart that I have jumped from Xubuntu version something to Linux Mint XFCE 21 which resulted that Blender 3.x takes up much less memory now so basically fixing my system freezes that I had previously.

Anyway I got the crossbow weapon to showup ingame now including textures. As for the textures why it did not showed up before the problem seems to be related that for the source model I think I was supposed to put the textures inside "Textures/CrossbowMod/" directory maybe its somehow related how the nif exporter plugin handles the texture path.

But now I have come to a different problem, first on the source model I had to rotate the crossbow model to make it just about fit the first person hand and as for the bolt I got it to show up with a bone attachment named "ArrowBone" but somehow the bolt ammo is not aligned properly along the crossbow weapon but the weapon seems to fire fine at least.

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