Oblivion-like hotkey wheel option for controller users

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Oblivion-like hotkey wheel option for controller users

Post by eru777 »

I would love to see a wheel for hotkeys available on the next iteration of openMW. For people who play using a controller, we have up to two hotkeys (there's only so many buttons on the xbox controller you can assign hotkeys to); If you're using all buttons for one of the main functions like sleep, journal, use items etc.

For example at the moment I have only two free buttons that I use for hotkeys, the left stick press (used for levitation boots) and the right trigger (used for a thunder spell). It would be nice to have some more, e.g. a lockpick, a probe and a soul capture spell.
It can be a combination of two shoulder buttons that makes this wheel appear, or long pressing one of the sticks for instance.
The item selection and magic selection could also be streamlined for controller users. With something akin to the oblivion controller mod northernUI (it has a vanilla style UI option)

Again this doesn't have to change the vanilla - ness of the experience. Just to improve the ease of access for people who prefer to play with a controller.
The native controller support of openMW was what initially sold me on the idea, and I thank everyone for allowing me to play this great game using a controller!
Last edited by eru777 on 16 Jan 2022, 22:40, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Oblivion-like hotkey wheel option for controller users

Post by AnyOldName3 »

We're not that far off having UI bindings exposed to Lua, so hopefully, this will be something people can mod in soon.
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