Operating ES3 Morrowind w/ MacBook Pro '19

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Operating ES3 Morrowind w/ MacBook Pro '19

Post by toegoodgamer »


I just bought ES3 Morrowind through Bethesda and can't use any of the YouTube videos to launch the installation. Are the steps different from GOG/Steam than it is from buying from Bethesda? Am I missing something?

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Re: Operating ES3 Morrowind w/ MacBook Pro '19

Post by testman »

As far as I know, Bethesda's Launcher does not work on macOS. So in order to get Morrowind game data, you will have to do some technical gymnastics.
Your options are either using WINE or setting up a Windows (or if you feel brave, ReactOS) virtual machine. If you get launcher to work in WINE, then downloaded Morrowind data will be accessible directly from macOS. If you use VM, you will have to transfer data out of it, easiest way being to create a shared folder between host and guest OS. So that you find the downloaded game inside the VM, copy it to the shared folder, which will make data appear in macOS as well.

You are not the first to try make this work. If you search the internet, you can find some useful suggestions.
This post in Reddit thread for example.
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Re: Operating ES3 Morrowind w/ MacBook Pro '19

Post by toegoodgamer »


Would you be a person I can approach for help? I couldn't find any threads here or on reddit that assist with what's going on.

I tried running WINE, but it says it doesn't work with the MacOS I have, Catalina bla-bla-bla.15. bla-bla-bla.

So, I tried crossover. After a few snags, I finished the process with crossover, and it said the rest had to be done with steam and initialized the steam launch. After proceeding through the steps, it said steam can no longer operate on my system, operating system, or something to that effect and shut down.

Thanks for the previous pointer, even though it ended abruptly.

And, I understand I'm not the first one to attempt to replay ES3, but everyone's posts are slightly misleading in that when I click on the title "es3 on Mac" it is usually asking about a mod, graphics, etc, but rarely the installation process.

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Re: Operating ES3 Morrowind w/ MacBook Pro '19

Post by testman »

If you want, you can jump in to OpenMW Matrix room (or [ur=https://discord.gg/wd3eSasl]Discord server[/url], that also works), and we go check out what exactly is happening on your computer.
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Re: Operating ES3 Morrowind w/ MacBook Pro '19

Post by AnyOldName3 »

Crossover shares a lot of code with Wine, so if one won't work, neither will. If you're on Catalina, you'll need a VM or Bootcamp.
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