Post 1.0 Plans

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Re: Post 1.0 Plans

Post by AnyOldName3 »

MGE XE's interior shadows are identical to vanilla interior shadows, but they apply to all actors instead of just the player. They have all of the same problems, too.
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Re: Post 1.0 Plans

Post by silentthief »

I checked the "post 1.0 design document" and I wanted to ask for details/clarify a couple of points. Specifically I am asking about these two scripts

GetPcTarget: Returns the reference of the instance the player is currently looking at (crosshair); can be a null reference


GetTargetRef: Returns the current target of an actor; returns a null reference if the actor is not in combat or if it is used on an instance that is not an actor

and perhaps this function (or the idea behind it):



Specifically, the player/NPCs interacting with objects that are not actors. The reason I bring these up is that in vanilla Morrowind mod makers had to go to some interesting methods to make their mods work. I remember that a mod maker had made it so that you could light camp fires by casting fire spells onto the unlit campfires. The way that they did this was to make a small creature/NPC that was at the center of the unlit campfire and trigger a script off of detecting fire spells on that. This had issues with casting a firespell on the fire pits in front of a guard, who registered this as an aggressive action and then proceeded to fine you or attack you.

What I am asking about is a method to interact with/detect the action of an actor casting spells on non-static objects. And while I am thinking about this, I think we should be able to detect the action of an actor attacking non-static objects.

Vanilla Morrowind only had only one spell that affected non actor objects: the unlock spell interacted on doors/containers. Likewise, while you could "Activate" certain objects you could not detect attacks on those objects. I feel that this could and should be expanded to allow more actions/interaction

The reason I ask about this kind of thing, from a mod makers perspective, is to enable the player to cast a disarm trap spell on a trapped object, or similarly to allow a player to bash a door open or bash a chest open.

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Re: Post 1.0 Plans

Post by Zini »

Sorry, I have a hard time understanding what you are asking. I'll try to guess and answer anyway. Feel free to ask again if I have misunderstood you.

GetPcTarget/GetTargetRef: Was the question what the difference between these two is? The former checks what the player is looking at. The later returns the target the AI wants to attack. Maybe it would be better to use different words here.

ItemObjectInteraction: The idea here is to allow another type of world interaction that was available only in the hardcoded case of the security skill.

For your campfire example one could imagine a new type of tool (flint & steel?) that the player can equip (take into his hand) and then perform an "attack" on the camp fire. Or he could drag the item from his inventory on the campfire and light it that way.

Note that we will have proper support for scripted spell effects now, so a "bash-in-door" spell should be possible.
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Re: Post 1.0 Plans

Post by Faelian »

The document mentioned vaguely dehardcoding of animations, so my questions is whether or not there is a proper idea behind it?
I think that implementing some sort of editable animation tree that could be customised for every npc/creature so that we could easily add in-betweens, more idles, etc. is a must at some point. Animations are probably one of the weakest points of Morrowind and we NEED a way to work with it without millions of hacks and workarounds. Giving modders ability to change, for example, how attacking animations work is pretty much necessary in order to make a good combat system overhaul and I think we can all agree that Morrowind could do with one.
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Re: Post 1.0 Plans

Post by psi29a »

Animation in OpenMW is still based on NIF and KF files which is not for the feint of heart.

I think it is safe to say that without Scrawl to drive an effort behind OSG (the file format) animation that there will be no effort put into this.

AnyOldName3 and myself are looking into support for DAE/Collada support... not just for statics but also for animation. By allow support here, we open up all kinds of doors to for modders and game makers.
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Re: Post 1.0 Plans

Post by Sslaxx »

Take a look at glTF 2?
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Re: Post 1.0 Plans

Post by AnyOldName3 »

In terms of behaviour-driven animations, it might be a good idea to discuss things with CE0 of Skyrim Ascendancy Engine and Fore of Fore's New Idles in Skyrim, as they've both worked on similar aspects of Skyrim and should have a pretty good idea of how they'd have done things had they had absolutely no restrictions whatsoever.
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Re: Post 1.0 Plans

Post by psi29a »

Sslaxx wrote: 06 Jul 2018, 12:43 Take a look at glTF 2?

There has been work done there... it isn't in OSG proper, but if we _really_ wanted it, we could carry it like we do osgQt
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Re: Post 1.0 Plans

Post by psi29a »

Good news, back ported the Collada plugin from OSG 3.7 (in development) to our OSG 3.4 on the PPA (~ppa11 packages): ... /+packages

OSG 3.4's (and 3.2) osgDB_dae plugin was broken and couldn't load anything, not sure when it broke. Anyway... feel free to test: ... y_walk.dae

Code: Select all

bcurtis@Wintermute:~$ osgviewer ~/astroboy_walk.dae 
StatsHandler::StatsHandler() Setting up GL2 compatible shaders
Could not locate UpdateCallback for <channel> target astroBoy_newSkeleton_spine01/blendParent1
Unsupported stride: 6
Unsupported stride: 6
This means that OpenMW can now easily support DAW/Collada statics. The extra output above is because there is annimation in that file that can't be rendered by the osgviewer. That is something OpenMW needs to implement to have full Collada/DAE support. :)

I'll submit a PR to OpenMW's OSG so that MacOS and Windows can rebuild their packages as necessary in the future.
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Re: Post 1.0 Plans

Post by lysol »

psi29a wrote: 07 Jul 2018, 09:25 Good news, back ported the Collada plugin from OSG 3.7 (in development) to our OSG 3.4 on the PPA (~ppa11 packages): ... /+packages
Whoah. That's huge. I hope getting animation support won't be too hard.
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