Meshes failing to load inside playbymac virtual machine

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Meshes failing to load inside playbymac virtual machine

Post by slartt23 »

Hi there, so have spent nearly 24 hours on this problem

Got a 32bit virtual drive of playbymac on my osx to play gog morrowind.

it seems to work fine.

put on openmw and the cursor doesn't show up instead has a white square

repeat the process of deleting virtual drives and relaunching and reinstalling openmw and launcher many times over, clearing or deleting the virtual drive when i have finished.

put back on morrowind, its fine

put back on openmw and no meshes are working, even after reimporting ini settings.

i'll attach an image of what i can see in the initial boat
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Re: Meshes failing to load inside playbymac virtual machine

Post by AnyOldName3 »

PlayByMac doesn't seem to be a thing, so I'm going to work under the assumption that you're using something like PlayOnMac which is a wrapper for WINE. These things tend to pick a specific WINE version and specific settings for it known to produce the best compatibility with a given piece of software. It's likely, though, that the optimal version for running Morrowind is completely unsuited to running a Windows build of OpenMW on a Mac.

What you really should be doing is using an OSX build of OpenMW and running it directly. There's a download link at the top of this page that should help with that.
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Re: Meshes failing to load inside playbymac virtual machine

Post by slartt23 »

hey thanks for getting back to me, yeah it was playonmac sorry. i can get the openmw osx on my computer but i don't know how to get morrowind.exe to run there or where the datafiles would be placed. tried innoextract and homebrew [it's a gog file not steam] and get the following response:

==> Summary

🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/sphinx-doc/1.6.4: 3,383 files, 48.1MB, built in 28 seconds

==> Installing innoextract dependency: cmake

==> Downloading

######################################################################## 100.0%

==> ./bootstrap --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.9.4_1 --no-system-libs --para

==> make

innoextract setup_tes_morrowind_goty_2.0.0.7.exe

==> make install

==> Caveats

Emacs Lisp files have been installed to:


==> Summary

🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.9.4_1: 2,267 files, 30.4MB, built in 6 minutes

==> Installing innoextract dependency: boost

==> Downloading ... boost_1_65

==> Downloading from ... fb522764e0

######################################################################## 100.0%

==> ./ --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.65.1 --libdir=/usr/local/C

==> ./b2 headers

==> ./b2 --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.65.1 --libdir=/usr/local/Cellar/boos

🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.65.1: 12,679 files, 402MB, built in 17 minutes 17 seconds

==> Installing innoextract dependency: xz

==> Downloading ... -5.2.3.tar

==> Downloading from ... utils/xz-5

######################################################################## 100.0%

==> ./configure --disable-silent-rules --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/xz/5.2.3

==> make check

==> make install

🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/xz/5.2.3: 92 files, 1.5MB, built in 53 seconds

==> Installing innoextract

==> Downloading ... 1.6.tar.gz

==> Downloading from ... ct-1.6/inn

######################################################################## 100.0%


==> make install

🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/innoextract/1.6_2: 7 files, 668.9KB, built in 33 seconds

slarrt-MacBook-Pro:~ slarrt$ innoextract setup_tes_morrowind_goty_2.0.0.7.exe

Could not open file "setup_tes_morrowind_goty_2.0.0.7.exe"

Done with 1 error.

slarrt-MacBook-Pro:~ slarrt$
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Re: Meshes failing to load inside playbymac virtual machine

Post by magamo »

As stated in another thread, try the -g flag to innoextract (or --gog)
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