List of bugs/missing features

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List of bugs/missing features

Post by darkbasic »

I remember I once spotted a list of all known bugs/missing features which need to be addressed before 1.0, but I can't find it anymore. Can someone please point me to such a page?
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Re: List of bugs/missing features

Post by darkbasic »

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Re: List of bugs/missing features

Post by Atahualpa »

For that matter:
johndh wrote:Maybe we could use a general "state of the game" blurb with each release or on the front page so that it would be more clear to journalism-minded folks doing reviews. Something like: "While missing a few features that will be present in a 1.0 release [bug tracker link], OpenMW is fully capable of playing Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon from start to finish, including significant enhancements [wiki link]", with directions for how/where to ask questions.
See viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3309&hilit=tracker&start=10#p37881 for the entire discussion.

Well, I seconded johndh's suggestion back then, and I think we now have the chance to do something about it. I'm not the one to judge the priority of every task left to do before 1.0, but I can very well bother our developers with questions about these blockers. With that said, I'd create a list of remaining bugs/features, their priority and their status. At the same time, we can discuss the implementation of a "OpenMW Project Status" tracker at our homepage. (Maybe link it to our Bugtracker and a more in-depth Wiki page?)

What do you think? Do you prefer hiding our status, or can you bear up the pressure? (Seriously!)
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Re: List of bugs/missing features

Post by Rumina »

I believe the idea of a front page completion tracker has come up several times before (I lurk this project regularly ;) ) and it usually came to the conclusion that at the end of the day a progress tracker is pointless because the "completion percentage" is always in fluctuation. There's no meaningful way to really illustrate how much is left to be done without simply looking at the roadmap.

The only things really left on the tracker for features are some water effects and some rough AI work with the exception of some odds and ends. But it's been that way for a long time so a progress bar wouldn't contribute anything. A small blurb with each release containing a link to the roadmap and something like "If you want to actively keep up on OpenMW's progress you can follow it's activity and completion here" might help I suppose.

What I think would be better than that, if you want to go the extra mile, would be more trivial updates on the news feed not necessarily about releases like there was a while back. Such as posting screenshots of Lysol's normal map texture work (those flags are pretty cool), a news post about Visvalda's fog shader with pictures, or Scrawl's cell pre-loading. It's going to be hard to do interesting news updates strictly pertaining to OpenMW's 1.0 progress simply because it's hard to visibly gauge anymore with it being nearly feature complete.
Atahualpa wrote:With that said, I'd create a list of remaining bugs/features, their priority and their status
If you want to come up with an easy list of what's left for feature work use this link (ignoring the 3 or so OpenCS issues that come up).[]=status_id&op[status_id]=o&f[]=fixed_version_id&op[fixed_version_id]=%3D&v[fixed_version_id][]=45&v[fixed_version_id][]=21&f[]=tracker_id&op[tracker_id]=%3D&v[tracker_id][]=2&f[]=subject&op[subject]=!~&v[subject][]=Editor&f[]=&c[]=project&c[]=tracker&c[]=status&c[]=priority&c[]=subject&c[]=assigned_to&c[]=updated_on&group_by=
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Re: List of bugs/missing features

Post by GreyFox »

I would appreciate a human revised list of construction sites, and who is doing what, with some notes about the extend of each single project. When I went through the roadmap Tracker I noticed it is full rather minor things when it comes to features for 1.0. I was surprised how complete the project appears based on the low version number. Also a documentation would be helpful, so far I only found the doxygen site which is outdated(why?It's not like you could not generate a new one.) The wiki is full of stub articles when it comes to a domain specific description of the project. Maybe I just have not found the right pages, but a tutorial or at least a diagram of how everything works together would be nice.
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Re: List of bugs/missing features

Post by AnyOldName3 »

We're up to 0.39, which is actually a fairly high version number. OpenMW uses Semantic version numbers, which means that every release before feature completeness starts with '0.', and then the number of releases in that state are appended onto the end, so 0.39 means that there have been 39 feature-incomplete releases, which is quite a lot. The first number will reach 1 when all the necessary features are implemented (basically when OpenMW can do anything the original engine could), and then the second number will be incremented as new things are added, like PBR shading or dehardcoding of certain values. If, far in the future, it were to do something major, like drop support for original Morrowind assets or add Oblivion support, that'd probably be enough to bump from 1.x to 2.x releases.
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Re: List of bugs/missing features

Post by GreyFox »

AnyOldName3 wrote:We're up to 0.39, which is actually a fairly high version number. OpenMW uses Semantic version numbers, which means that every release before feature completeness starts with '0.', and then the number of releases in that state are appended onto the end, so 0.39 means that there have been 39 feature-incomplete releases, which is quite a lot. The first number will reach 1 when all the necessary features are implemented (basically when OpenMW can do anything the original engine could), and then the second number will be incremented as new things are added, like PBR shading or dehardcoding of certain values. If, far in the future, it were to do something major, like drop support for original Morrowind assets or add Oblivion support, that'd probably be enough to bump from 1.x to 2.x releases.
Thanks, I understand your version scheme, it just causes misunderstanding over the progress in functionality for an outsider. I saw a whole thread on it and it probably has been discussed to death. I am not really interested in discussing it, I just noted my own impression.

What I am currently trying to find out is where I can get a comprehensive overview on the engine and how the parts work together. Besides going through doxygen and the code itself, is there a human written overview somewhere?
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Re: List of bugs/missing features

Post by darkbasic »

I suggest you to have a look at the Wesnoth project:
They prepare two changelogs: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a more technical full changelog for enthusiasts and content creators. Your tracker's roadmap is great but simply not interesting for the end-user point of view, because it's overwhelmed by lots of details which are not interesting for the casual user. I suggest you to not understimate the public relationships impact, especially on such matters. I am a long date fan of this project, but I never thought it may come so far. Thanks to your awesome video changelogs, a good release plan and the coverage on sites like Phoronix I renewed my interest for this project, which led me to donate for the website maintenance and a monthly pledge on patreon. I know lots of peoples who still love Morrowind and your project has a great potential, you should try to involve as many as you can, even if it means "wasting" some time writing news or end-user roadmaps.
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Re: List of bugs/missing features

Post by Atahualpa »

darkbasic wrote:I suggest you to have a look at the Wesnoth project:
They prepare two changelogs: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a more technical full changelog for enthusiasts and content creators. Your tracker's roadmap is great but simply not interesting for the end-user point of view, because it's overwhelmed by lots of details which are not interesting for the casual user.
This is more or less what I wanted to do: Create a comprehensive list of open issues including status and priority; filter out the user-relevant ones and put them on a Wiki page; create a tracker shown at our homepage which links to our bugtracker (full list), the Wiki page (shortened list), and somehow summarises the project's status in a way that goes without a "progress bar" or other dubious progress indicators.
Rumina wrote:If you want to come up with an easy list of what's left for feature work use this link (ignoring the 3 or so OpenCS issues that come up). ... &group_by=
Thanks, Rumina! Just wanted to create that link myself, but you foresaw my plans. :D
Although we have to say something about OpenMW-CS too. Zini's recent v0.40.0 opening post is a good reference here:
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