low fps

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low fps


Hi, I've waited for the openmw release for quite a few months. I've just installed it in order to give it a try. I'm in deep shock after playing for 20 minutes. Firstly, I set all the settings at the maximum 8-) than switched shadows and water reflection on. When I got off the ship in Seyda Neen I was sturck by the rough enviroment, couldn't move my camera because I got one of their kind 5 fps. Well, I started turning off everything I'd turned on before to optimize the game. Eventually, I reached 30 fps in outdoor cells and 50 in indoor cells but my settings are rather low. I'm afraid of installing any plug-ins. I thought openMW would be ultimate super new engine which would be able to handle tones of mods with high res textures. Now I see it's better to stick to the original tes3 version and have MGSO and a few mods installed. :| Can anybody explain to me what the heck is wrong with openMW ?

Additionally, This is my notebook:Procesor Intel Core i5 1.7ghz 2.4 ghz , 4 gb RAM Geforce 820m
I know it's not very good for today's standards and it's not very good for game either but goddammit ! This is morrowind. This game is almost 14 years old. And I love it.
Last edited by TES3GREATFAN on 25 Jun 2015, 19:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: low fps

Post by SwissCM »

The problem is your reading comprehension. Did you even read the front page before you decided to post? The latest news article is specifically about the massive performance improvements that are going to be found in the next version thanks to a switch of 3D engines. Literally every question you asked is answered the first time you visit http://www.openmw.org doy

EDIT: Okay that came off super grumpy, sorry. In any case, don't waste peoples time making them parrot information that you can find yourself in half a second, it's irritating.
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Re: low fps

Post by Automatik »

This is probably normal, it's not you, it's OpenMW. OpenMW is still in developpement, and the developers prefer to implement every feature from morrowind, and then to optimise them. But OpenMW does have advantages compared to vanilla Morrowind.(Shaders, bugfixes, Mac & linux support)

OpenMW will switch from 0.XX.Y to 1.XX versions when the game is going to be considered feature complete, and mostly bug-free. Right now, there's still a few bug in OpenMW, not to mention the poor framerate.

The current version of OpenMW use "Ogre3D 1.X" for graphics. But since it's not very optimised, a port to OpenSourceGraph is ongoing, and should be very faster than the current version of OpenMW. If you have the will, you can try to compile it. It doesn't have fancy features like shaders, and It's not guaranteed to be stable, but it's way faster for me.

Look at this blogpost for more info : https://openmw.org/2015/openscenegraph-port-playable/
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Re: low fps


Thanks a lot, some people prefer to ask around to search of information which can be hard to find. The other just want to make sure by asking other people. No reason for being frustrated Swiss.
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Re: low fps

Post by Azlidor »

TES3GREATFAN wrote:I thought openMW would be ultimate super new engine which would be able to handle tones of mods with high res textures.

Additionally, This is my notebook:Procesor Intel Core i5 1.7ghz 2.4 ghz , 4 gb RAM Geforce 820m
It is and it does theoretically. The engine certainly is capable of running quite well. I get well over 100 FPS on my desktop in exterior cells with lower settings or around 60 FPS with higher settings. Your hardware will be the limiting factor here.

Not to say that your hardware is bad, because it's not. Certainly better than computers without dedicated GPUs. But it's like throwing a 2JZ into a 240SX and wondering why the car isn't instantly a 10 second car. Yes the engine is capable of creating amazing performance, but you have to also make sure the intake, exhaust, forced induction, cooling, gears, etc can actually take advantage of the engine you just threw in it.

So how do I make this response helpful? Try doing things like overclocking, having the game on an SSD instead of HDD, disabling Aero, removing any unnecessary background processes and programs, etc. Also the "Turbo Boost" in Intel's iSeries is absolutely worthless. You'd have incredibly better performance overclocking the processor to 2.4GHz than just assuming Intel's performance monitor will realize it's supposed to kick it up to that. The processor seems to be the biggest limiting factor here with what you mentioned.
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Re: low fps


Pretty funny isn't it? Version 0.37 has been released, yes there are many improvements but still my openMW runs like a tortoise on high settings. Apart from that, openMW luncher does not seem to see all of my mods and I don't know why. Well, I run Skyrim freely on ultra settings so I think my processor has nothing to do with my openMW performance, period.
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Re: low fps

Post by psi29a »

Funny, OpenMW at 1080p on my RPi2 gets about 20fps outside... considering the specs on that thing, I'm rather impressed. Skyrim won't run on at all on such a system. ;)
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Re: low fps

Post by Pherim »

TES3GREATFAN wrote:Pretty funny isn't it? Version 0.37 has been released, yes there are many improvements but still my openMW runs like a tortoise on high settings. Apart from that, openMW luncher does not seem to see all of my mods and I don't know why. Well, I run Skyrim freely on ultra settings so I think my processor has nothing to do with my openMW performance, period.
0.37.0 is the first version that uses the new OSG rendering engine, and while this generally leads to performance improvements (for me and a lot of other people at least), they are still not done optimizing the engine. I assume this will be happening once they have completed all features and got rid of all bugs remaining for 1.0. You can probably expect 1.0 to run a lot better.
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