OpenMW Example Suite - Active Development Notice

OpenMW's very own demo, template and game to show off everything that OpenMW is capable of.

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Re: OpenMW Example Suite - Active Development Notice

Post by Zini »

Nope. Bypassing on presence of an ini file wouldn't work either, because the wizard also runs the ini importer. The whole situations is getting a bit confusing.

How about this: On launcher startup check if an ini import has happened before and if the answer is yes, bypass running the wizard on startup.
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite - Active Development Notice

Post by psi29a »

Zini wrote:Is there any specific significance to the content directory? I am not opposed to add additional locations, but we already have default locations, both for global data and for per user data.
I was just wondering where I can put a omwgame and its content if I was to package it up for say Debian. It can't be put into a user's directory. Where else can I put it that it will be found by OpenMW, CS and Launcher.

Another issue is that even if I have a morrowind.ini file and comment out everything having to to do with Morrowind (esm, including expansions) and fallbacks, if I open the launcher it will complain that Morrrowind wasn't found and ask to install it. This happens even if I have it setup to use the OpenMW-Template. OpenMW and the CS runs without a problem with the template, but the launcher complains and I have cancel it.

Can you duplicate this behaviour? It is kinda annoying as I don't want anything to do with Bethesda. :)

Speaking of not having anything to do with Bethesda, that also mean not referencing their trademarks... such as morrowind.ini.
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite - Active Development Notice

Post by psi29a »

Attaching a screenshot showing an error that shouldn't happen.
Screenshot from 2016-01-23 12-16-10.png
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite - Active Development Notice

Post by Zini »

I was just wondering where I can put a omwgame and its content if I was to package it up for say Debian. It can't be put into a user's directory. Where else can I put it that it will be found by OpenMW, CS and Launcher.
From the global openmw.cfg file:
For Linux {MORROWIND_DATA_FILES is defined as ${DATADIR}/data, with DATADIR defined as ${GLOBAL_DATA_PATH}/openmw. GLOBAL_DATA_PATH is defined as ${DATAROOTDIR}/games/. And finally DATAROOTDIR is defined as ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share. I hope we are sufficiently confused now.

For the error you are getting, that is apparently caused by this piece of code:

Code: Select all

    // Check if the paths actually contain data files
    foreach (const QString path, mGameSettings.getDataDirs()) {
        QDir dir(path);
        QStringList filters;
        filters << "*.esp" << "*.esm" << "*.omwgame" << "*.omwaddon";

        if (!dir.entryList(filters).isEmpty())

    if (dataDirs.isEmpty())
        QMessageBox msgBox;
        msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Error detecting Morrowind installation"));
        msgBox.setText(tr("<br><b>Could not find the Data Files location</b><br><br> \
                                   The directory containing the data files was not found."))
I am not sure how I would reproduce the situation you are seeing. But if you do have any file with the given extensions in one of the data directories and you are still seeing this error message, then this is a bug and should be reported on the tracker.

Regarding Morrowind.ini, we need the values from there. Of course we could try to set up suitable non-Bethesda default values in the global openmw.cfg file. I considered this option once. But I don't see an urgent need for it, because standalone content files created with newer version of OpenMW-CS (probably something 1.4 or 1.5-ish, very vague guess) won't require ini files anyway.
However if you intend to push for Bethesda-free content before we reach that point, I wouldn't object to such an enhancement.
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite - Active Development Notice

Post by psi29a »

Hopefully you can reproduce the problem with the attached files.
(18.98 KiB) Downloaded 163 times
<-- my configuration files, located in ~/.config/openmw
(1.38 MiB) Downloaded 168 times
<-- my data files, located in ~/.local/share/openmw

In theory, everything should be there. openmw.cfg files things commented out that are Bethesda's and I only use omwgame and an esp file exported from tesanwynn.

openmw and openmw-cs will open just fine and do their thing, but openmw-launcher will complain with the error shown in the popup above.

As for shipping data in deb files for example, in the following directory:

so my omwgame should show up in the launcher and cs if it is located here:

If so, then great! I'll test it later.

As for de-Bethesda-izing files... I just don't want to have deal with installing Morrowind because it can't find morrowind.ini when all I want to do is play the template. I think this is a pretty important step.
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite - Active Development Notice

Post by Zini »

Pretty busy with stuff at the moment, but I will try to test with your files later this week.

As for shipping data in deb files for example, in the following directory:

so my omwgame should show up in the launcher and cs if it is located here:

If so, then great! I'll test it later.
Yes, that should work.
As for de-Bethesda-izing files... I just don't want to have deal with installing Morrowind because it can't find morrowind.ini when all I want to do is play the template. I think this is a pretty important step.
Yeah, the importance isn't really in question here. Its more a question about urgency.
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite - Active Development Notice

Post by psi29a »

OK... I tested further by putting everything necessary into

Meaning that data/openmw-template.omwgame is in /usr/share/games/openmw/data/openmw-template.omwgame

and textures/ is in /usr/share/games/openmw/data/textures/
and... openmw, openmw-cs and openmw-launcher see the files without a problem except for when something is missing. Then I get this:

Code: Select all

Failed to load 'meshes/sky_clouds_01.nif': Failed to open '/usr/share/games/openmw/data/meshes/sky_clouds_01.nif' for reading: Permission denied, using marker_error.nif instead
Failed to start new game: Resource 'meshes/marker_error.nif' not found
I know this is a permission problem, already fixed it... but what is that (marker_error.nif)? :)

For the time being, can I just put an empty NIF there? What is that and what is it supposed to do? Should we not ship this by default with OpenMW?
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite - Active Development Notice

Post by Zini »

I believe marker_error.nif is a special mesh that is used in place of meshes that failed to load properly. It should be part of the default Morrowind mesh resources. A standalone game like the Example Suite should provide its own version of this mesh, preferable something visible.
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite - Active Development Notice

Post by psi29a »

a 3d question mark ? in pink? ;)

Can it be an OSG static file instead?
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Re: OpenMW Example Suite - Active Development Notice

Post by Zini »

I guess so. I haven't looked at the OSG format code yet. Either try it out or ask scrawl.
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