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Brightness/Gamma correction

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 04:19
by Illyduss
So I've rolled across another post about it being too dark, but as I recall the game was always super dark and that made it a ton more fun/scary at times. I find that the game is a bit too bright as is in the current version. I know I could adjust my monitor setting to make it darker, but then I'd have to do that when I exit the game as well. Besides that the only other thing I can think of would be to use a mod, True Lighting which doesn't work very well I find or mess with the .ini. As such I was hoping we could get an option to adjust the brightness/gamma just like the original had.

Thank you

Re: Brightness/Gamma correction

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 07:12
by Cramal
In the OpenMW 0.37 release installed on my computer there is a gamma option in the in-game option menu.

Re: Brightness/Gamma correction

Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 06:30
by Illyduss
Strange that is what I'm running, but I don't see it in the graphical menu. I found it in the settings.conf file, but changing the value didn't do anything. Hmmm, I nabbed my version from the Ubuntu PPA. Has it not received the 0.37 update?

Re: Brightness/Gamma correction

Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 08:02
by Cramal
Note that there is 2 setting.cfg files.

One in the OpenMW folder.

and one in /home/"myusername"/.config/openmw/settings.cfg

The one in .config is the one that is loaded and the one you have to modift