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Attacking NPCs following player and smarter guards

Posted: 28 Dec 2018, 12:58
by Nkfree
Hello, guys. Maybe this has been asked before. I'd like NPCs to follow me in and out of interiors after I commited a crime (e.g. guards, so they wouldn't be bashfully waiting for me behind the door).

Guards could also alert other guards in certain radius or in line of sight.

Is it possible to be implemented via addon/mod/script to the current build of openmw?

Thank you in advance

Re: Attacking NPCs following player and smarter guards

Posted: 28 Dec 2018, 18:12
by silentthief
This is currently not something that is available. I may be wrong, but I think that this could be scripted right now.


Re: Attacking NPCs following player and smarter guards

Posted: 28 Dec 2018, 19:24
by Nkfree
Thank you for the answer. Reached out to Discord and was told by Catastrophic that there's "no adequate way to do this through scripts."

/CLOSE (thank you)

Re: Attacking NPCs following player and smarter guards

Posted: 01 Jan 2019, 23:46
by SmartGuar
Some time ago I tested how you could do that now by modding a 100 command spell with a cost of zero and a very short duration.
If you cast it on a hostile actor, he will follow you through any door and because of the spell's short duration be hostile again immediately afterwards. I was thinking that it might be possible to have doors cast the spell with a small radius upon activation but I have my doubts that this would work.

Almost the same trick could also be used to make guards smarter and helpful (without using the mod that doesn't work with OpenMW). When you're illegally attacked you can cast the command spell on guards and they will help you. :)
It was definitely very nice to have this role-playing potential and (faked) intelligence of the NPCs. :D But there is one major problem. How do you get the actors back? I've found that using the reset actors (ra) command will delete the NPCs. They are nowhere to be found, not even in the place where the uesp recommended to look if an actor vanishes after being reset (a deadric ruin).
This could be a bug in OpenMW.

Re: Attacking NPCs following player and smarter guards

Posted: 02 Jan 2019, 10:51
by Capostrophic
As far as I know ResetActors will not work on actors who were moved into the cell in 0.46.0.

I don't think you can move the actors back (aside from doing it manually with you guessed what spell), respawning creatures and NPCs currently can't get into their original cell if they were moved from it.

Re: Attacking NPCs following player and smarter guards

Posted: 02 Jan 2019, 13:43
by SmartGuar
It's not that much of a problem to get them back to the cell in question. The problem is, if you use RA, they are gone. I think, even if you had moved them back to their original cell.
This is not so bad, if you use it on enemies that won't respawn anyway, but it's a problem with friendly NPCs.

Maybe a solution could be PlaceAtPC, if an NPC is gone.