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Re: OpenMW Infra Maintenance Sunday

Posted: 24 Oct 2018, 08:25
by jvoisin
It seems that the main page is broken :/

Re: OpenMW Infra Maintenance Sunday

Posted: 24 Oct 2018, 08:27
by psi29a
I noticed it this morning too, the polyglut wp plugin isn't sending a 302 redirect to /en (or whatever it detects your client language as).

Not trusting wordpress, I have nginx check if we have a bare / (request_uri), if so... we automatically go to /en/, which makes sense because /en/ usually has the most news and is default anyway. Users can still use /ru/ and /pl/ or whatever else.

Can you verify?

Re: OpenMW Infra Maintenance Sunday

Posted: 24 Oct 2018, 10:06
by psi29a
ap0 wrote: 23 Oct 2018, 11:17 It's only my personal opinion, but:
- As a Tor user, I'm tired of filling captchas to access websites, even static ones, all the time. It's no fun to mark the crosswalk 16 times (yes.) to read a news article, or to post an answer on a forum.
We need to make life for Tor users easier without allowing spammers (and worse) having free reign to do whatever they want. We'll figure something out.

CF is currently set to 'low' enforcement. Do you still get challenges now?
ap0 wrote: 23 Oct 2018, 11:17 - The captchas used by cloudflare are used to improve US military drones
As with all technology (using the crowbar analogy), it can be used for good as well as bad. The project is not only used by the US Military but also for autonomous cars and other things that improves the quality of life for people. Research into nuclear energy gave us both atomic bombs and also one of the most "green" sources of energy in the planet that scales far and above the current state of renewable energy sources. But this is perhaps another topic for discussion in Off-topic. :) You get the point, the research and development being done is not exclusive to the US Military.
ap0 wrote: 23 Oct 2018, 11:17 - About the anti-spam/anti-malware, what are you talking about? Cloudflare is able to prevent spam on the forum?
Yes, since enabling CF on the forum we've had a significant reduction in spam and other bad actors, I can view these attempts and their URLs and type of attacks. In addition to preventing DoS/DDoS.
ap0 wrote: 23 Oct 2018, 11:17 - It's worrying that the TLS certificate was invalid, but that cloudflare presented a valid one to users; TLS should be end-to-end encryption.
I've set this to strict now, we are encrypted end-to-end with valid certs. I've already take care of this. When the chain is broken, we'll know now.
ap0 wrote: 23 Oct 2018, 11:17 But on the other hand, it looks convenient, so I would understand if you kept it :)
It is my hope that the benefits outweigh the problems and that we can find suitable solutions for the problems rather than just 'live with them'.