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Re: New OpenMW-CS Icons

Posted: 03 May 2018, 11:05
by Lamoot
Here they are.
The attachment topics-icons.png is no longer available

Re: New OpenMW-CS Icons

Posted: 03 May 2018, 11:35
by lysol
Great work!

Re: New OpenMW-CS Icons

Posted: 05 May 2018, 12:48
by Zini
Spent some time testing various thing while I (accidentally) still had OpenMW-CS build from the branch with the new icons. I guess nothing beats actually using an icons set, when it comes to judging how well it works.

Very professional and efficient. Looking forward to merging, once the last few kinks have been worked out.

Re: New OpenMW-CS Icons

Posted: 06 May 2018, 16:24
by unelsson
About the last few kinks, Zini mentioned that run-icon is using old icon, and I can't find a match from the new iconset.

Re: New OpenMW-CS Icons

Posted: 06 May 2018, 18:30
by Lamoot
Cool to hear things are looking good!

You are correct about the run-game icon. It's one of the early ones that got lost somehow. Anyway, it's as simple shape as it gets, so here it is.
run-game.png (642 Bytes) Viewed 9344 times

Re: New OpenMW-CS Icons

Posted: 06 May 2018, 21:29
by unelsson
Great work! And damn that was quick :lol:

Anyway, that's now committed to PR, and I don't know of any missing icons.

Just for a note though - I've been playing with object painting (e.g. painting a forest with a brush) and the following land editing tools: raise, lower, smooth. In land editing, there ought to be use for either sharpening tool or random variation -tool, but all in all, these tools are more or less in planning stage, and nothing is yet approved/confirmed by project management. For development of these new features, I use my extreme-ugliness-development-iconset, but perhaps in the future better icons are needed.

Re: New OpenMW-CS Icons

Posted: 06 May 2018, 23:39
by Greendogo
Dang, the editor is really shaping up and looking good. Good work guys!

Re: New OpenMW-CS Icons

Posted: 07 May 2018, 08:58
by Zini
Merged. Thanks.

Re: New OpenMW-CS Icons

Posted: 07 May 2018, 09:08
by psi29a

Re: New OpenMW-CS Icons

Posted: 07 May 2018, 20:46
by Lamoot
Excellent, made my day!

For future icons, once the functionality is in and finalized, I can take a look at those.