It's really important to have graphical parity with MGE.

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Re: It's really important to have graphical parity with MGE.

Post by lysol »

sonicboom12345 wrote: 28 Apr 2018, 05:37 Meaning no disrespect to you, but these are the words of someone who's 100% in the mindset of a programmer and either doesn't understand or doesn't give a toss about marketing. :roll: The number 1.0 *means* something to people. When OpenMW hits 1.0, it will get a thousand times more eyeballs than it will when it hits 1.1, or 1.2, or 1.3.
1. I'm no programmer. ;)

2. I got your point, and many of us thought the same once, but I've actually seen what gets views and buzz. There was one time when OpenMW got so much publicity (from super crappy journalists who wrote so many factual wrongs) we couldn't handle it all. When was this? When we posted a news post saying that one user was working on a port to Android.

Here's my theory of how it might work: If we're clear in the release post for 1.0 what our goals are, I truly believe the buzz won't be huge. If we then release 1.1 with AO, HDR, bloom, PBR support, awesome scripting, etc etc, and are emphasizing this in the release, the buzz will surely get going even though it has the number 1.1 in it. Journalists like to write about cool stuff, and those features are cool stuff.

To be honest, I don't actually think bloggers and journalists couldn't care less if some game hit the goals for version 1.0. But if you tell them about the actual features of that game, they might just get interested.
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Re: It's really important to have graphical parity with MGE.

Post by psi29a »

I think you're going about this all wrong.

Instead of asking OpenMW to improve their graphics, why not ask the developers of MGE:XE[1] (such as Hrnchamd) or MGE [2] (liztail, timeslip) to help OpenMW improve its graphics?

We're busy trying to nail down all the bugs in the lead-up to 1.0 and create a stable basis for which people can use OpenMW. We could always use more people to help work on whatever they feel like working on. If they want to work on graphics, please do. No one is stopping them.

Here is how OpenMW compares to MGE and MGE:XE:, you do see where there is still work left to do, so if there are people out there that are interested, please come and help us. :)

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Re: It's really important to have graphical parity with MGE.

Post by raevol »

I think the short answer to this thread is: send a pull request.

If you want something done on this completely volunteer project, then do it. I'd love to see OpenMW have all the fancy graphics too. I promise you the thing that's holding that up is not the dev's bullheaded dedication to some arbitrary feature set/version number combination, it's that no one is contributing the code.
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Re: It's really important to have graphical parity with MGE.

Post by DassiD »

Popping in to say that a whole range of graphical goes into the category "nice to have", not "necessary". That being said, Omw should have a shader editor asap, preferably for GLSL shaders. In the same way OpenCS is important for mod creators, a shader editor gives people something to work with.
OMW could beat out MGE with simple bloom and godray shaders, because of already implemented normal-mapping and shadows.
Being the prettiest engine has its perks.
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Re: It's really important to have graphical parity with MGE.

Post by psi29a »

If someone wants to work on it, they are free to do so. :)

We do accept merge requests. ;)
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Re: It's really important to have graphical parity with MGE.

Post by XenonCoder »

Will OpenMW have new 3D models in the future? npc, structures, objects, terrain, rocks, vegetation and other). It would be nice to have a new Morrowind with modern graphics, especially to make mod, and independent games using open source resources.

A new gdr inspired by the saga of TES exploiting the OpenMW engine will be the dream of many fans.

I am very confident about this project, and I am sure that in the future it will become interesting and much loved by independent modders and developers.

Instead of carrying out projects like skywind it would be better to get together to develop OpenMW (my personal opinion).

Thank you all.
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Re: It's really important to have graphical parity with MGE.

Post by psi29a »

OpenMW doesn't deal in content, that is up to the modding scene. ;)

However, there is a sub-group here that wants to give modders and game makers a basis they can use to start off: OpenMW-Template and OpenMW-ExampleSuite
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Re: It's really important to have graphical parity with MGE.

Post by AnyOldName3 »

Adding improved meshes and textures is something for modders to do. We're a game engine, not a graphical overhaul mod.

There was a Morrowind Original Asset Replacement project here at one point which had the goal of getting fans to remake everything in Morrowind so that everything looked nice and had an open licence, but it didn't pick up much traction so was abandoned. Skywind are making a new set of Morrowind assets as they're not allowed to use the ones from Morrowind in their project, but those assets are likely to remain Skywind-exclusive (for various reasons, some more reasonable than others).
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Re: It's really important to have graphical parity with MGE.

Post by XenonCoder »

Thank you guys. My idea is to create new meshes and textures, separated from the official project (OpenMW). The engine must only improve over time, especially OpenMW-CS, for the new resources I have no doubt that they will be implemented in the future. There are so many projects that have recreated Morrowind from scratch, but OpenMW is an open source engine so it can be extended and improved without problems of legitimacy.

I've been using OpenMW for days and I try my best to send precise and detailed feedback (quest name, coordinates (map cell), and other information.

I conclude by saying that Morrowind runs well, I only noticed strange behaviors of some npc but I think it's normal (compared to original Morrowind it works much better).
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Re: It's really important to have graphical parity with MGE.

Post by lysol »

Personally, I think it's kind of a waste of time to make a total replacer for the Morrowind assets before OpenMW implements a PBR shader. When this gets implemented however, making replacements for all of Morrowinds assets would be awesome. And a hell of a lot of work.

It would be impossible to do unless there was a well organized team working on it, and it would require someone to begin the project so that other artists get inspired and feel that it is actually worth putting their time into.