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I can help you translate stuff into german

Posted: 08 Jun 2015, 14:52
by MartiniMoe
Hi there,

since I wanted to participate to an open source project for quite some time and my programming skills are not that good, Im kind of happy to see, that this website is missing any german translation.

Im a native german speaker and I think my english is good enough to translate, for example, blog posts and stuff. Im not experienced in translating, but I think my translations would be better than nothing :D

My questions are:
- Are you interested in german translations?
(If you answer above question with 'yes')
- Where should I start? Do you prefer translations of blog entrys, faq, wiki or anything else?
- How do I start? Just post my translations here?


Re: I can help you translate stuff into german

Posted: 09 Jun 2015, 19:49
by Okulo
If nobody is going to answer, I'm going to step out of line and suggest translating this newspost to begin with. Then we'll look it over and if it's all nice and tidy I'm all for giving you a spot on the news team.

Unless someone has a better idea. Herrbatka, you're in charge of news stuff, right? What do you think?

Re: I can help you translate stuff into german

Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 10:08
by MartiniMoe
Great, so here is the translation of the news you linked. Hope you like it! :)

Grundlagen schaffen

Während die Featureliste kürzer und kürzer wird, verschiebt sich die Aufmerksamkeit unseres Entwicklungsteams hin zu deutlich wichtigeren Dingen als NPCs, die nicht tun, was sie tun sollten.

Scrawl, beispielsweise, rackert sich ab mit der Portierung von Ogre3D zu OpenSceneGraph, einer relativ unbekannten aber sehr flexiblen und erweiterungsfähigen 3D Engine. Durch OSG wird OpenMW nicht nur flüssiger als vorher laufen, auch Materialien und das Zusammennähen von NPC-Körperteilen (was nicht annähernd so grausam ist wie es klingt) kann besser gehandhabt werden. Scrawl selbst berichtete über das Was und Warum von OSG, und ja, ich könnte erzählen, dass er großartige Fortschritte macht, aber Bilder sagen mehr als tausend Worte.


Es wirft uns fast bis zur Version 0.13.0 zurück, aber keine Panik; anders als beim Projekt damals im Jahr 2012 ist ein Großteil des Programms schon lauffähig, daher versprechen wir, dass es keine drei Jahre dauern wird, dies aufzuholen. Immerhin hat Scrawl es geschafft NPCs zu rendern seit ich anfing diesen Artikel zu schreiben. Die Portierung schreitet schnell voran.

In der Zwischenzeit hat sich auch OpenMW-CS gut entwickelt. Unsere eigene Modding-Suite hat zwei neue Features bekommen, die Ihr euch ansehen müsst, falls Ihr Modder seid.

cc9ii hat unglaublich viel Code beigetragen, der auf harter Arbeit von sirherrbatka basiert und Optionen ermöglicht, zu denen es vorher keinen Zugang gab. Betrachten wir beispielsweise NPCs. Ihre Einstellungen waren vorher nur durch die main table zugänglich, aber es gab einige Dinge, die dort fehlten. Wenn man Edit record aus dem Rechtsklickmenü auswählte, konnte man einige weitere Dinge ändern (beispielsweise ob der NPC bestimmte Items ankauft), aber cc9iis Beitrag erweitert dies deutlich. Wenn man nun einen NPC bearbeitet, kann man Dinge in seinem Inventar ablegen, Pfade bestimmen, die er beim Laufen durch die Welt nimmt und Vieles mehr.

Zini kündigte mit angemessener Überwältigung an, dass die globale Suche nun funktioniert. Wenn man mit einer riesigen Liste konfrontiert ist, in der man versucht dieses reizende Kalksteingeschirr aus dem Büro der Zollabfertigung zu finden, ist das, als suche man nach der Nadel im Heuhaufen. Zuvor war es möglich, mit einer speziellen Syntax zu filtern, aber warum so kompliziert? Mit der neu implementierten globalen Suche kann man blitzschnell genau dieses eine Objekt finden. Zusätzlich wird die globale Suche mit einer Ersetzen-Funktion ergänzt, so dass man nicht mehr jeden Trank einzeln bearbeiten muss.

Zu guter Letzt gibt es noch Neuigkeiten aus der Community. Sterling vom Old School RPG YouTube Channel hat mit einem Let's Play von Morrowind mit der OpenMW Engine angefangen. Wenn Ihr sehen wollt, wie LPs gemacht werden, oder neugierig seid, wie OpenMW in der Praxis läuft, seht euch das Video unten an. Vergesst nicht, für mehr Videos danach seinen Channel zu besuchen.

Orcish Tenacity Part I

Das war's mit diesem Update. Das Team ist aktiv wie immer und wir können es kaum abwarten euch in unserem nächsten Update mehr zu erzählen. Bis zum nächsten Mal!

Re: I can help you translate stuff into german

Posted: 14 Jun 2015, 11:14
by MartiniMoe
Why is nobody answering?

Maybe a german translation is not that useful, because many germans speak english and the work to translate everything isnt worth it?
If youre not that interested in german translations please let me know. I wouldnt take it personal or something but instead would try to contribute in any other way to an open source project.

Re: I can help you translate stuff into german

Posted: 14 Jun 2015, 12:53
by dEnigma
The translation is very good, just a few things I would change:
was nicht annähernd so grausam ist wie es klingt
There should be a comma, "was nicht annähernd so grausam ist, wie es klingt"
[This is the only comma-related error I'm going to correct, since I'm too tired to really pay attention to such details ;)]
Wenn man Edit record aus dem Rechtsklickmenü auswählte, konnte man einige weitere Dinge ändern
I would replace "Dinge" with a different word, like "Parameter", "Einstellungen", etc., since the word already appeared in the preceding sentence.
und Vieles mehr
"Vieles" should be lower case
Zini kündigte mit angemessener Überwältigung an
I would use "Pathos" or "Feierlichkeit", but "Überwältigung" might be fine too, as I've said I'm tired ;)

Overall a very solid translation effort, nice job!

Re: I can help you translate stuff into german

Posted: 14 Jun 2015, 14:29
by Okulo
MartiniMoe wrote:Why is nobody answering?

Maybe a german translation is not that useful, because many germans speak english and the work to translate everything isnt worth it?
If youre not that interested in german translations please let me know. I wouldnt take it personal or something but instead would try to contribute in any other way to an open source project.
Sorry about that. This kind of response time is pretty unique. Unlucky. :)

I started out as Dutch translator for newsposts myself, and nobody ever read it, so I just dropped out. I totally feel you there. If you ever feel like it's not a job you want to be doing, backing out is very understandable.

If you're still interested though, since dEnigma has checked it and deemed it solid, I'll send you the next newspost via PM before I post it. Then you can translate it. Unfortunately, I am not able to give you an account as I don't have those rights, but I'll just post it under your name.

Re: I can help you translate stuff into german

Posted: 14 Jun 2015, 17:10
by MartiniMoe
Okulo wrote: I started out as Dutch translator for newsposts myself, and nobody ever read it, so I just dropped out.
Right, I think in europe nearly everybody who is interested in things like OpenMW is speaking english as well. Durch and german may not be important languages for a project like this :D
So I think Ill be looking for something else.

Re: I can help you translate stuff into german

Posted: 18 Oct 2015, 06:05
by asmo
I think that quite a bunch of guys speak German here.
This comment has nothing to do with the nice translation you did... It's just for you to know that you are not on your own. ;)

Re: I can help you translate stuff into german

Posted: 18 Oct 2015, 15:05
by Jyby
It would be cool if the website master could implement some statistics collection on our newposts. I think it would be really helpful to see how many people for a given language read out posts.

It will also help us pursue more community outreach on other sites. I'm still coming across twitch streamers and other Morrowind mega fans who haven't heard about OpenMW yet...

Re: I can help you translate stuff into german

Posted: 18 Oct 2015, 17:14
by asmo
It would be cool if the website master could implement some statistics collection on our newposts.
That might not be an easy task.
So far I only read "content" in English. I speak German and Hungarian too. I didn't even know that there are translations, even so I prefer English. I don't know other users opinion here. Whatsoever, the result might become somewhat forged in that regard. Of course it might reveal - more or less - how many users would appreciate having translations.
But then, it might be against the law to collect such data without the users approval (like mine).
Maybe having a vote for a period of one month (or whatever might be suitable) where registered users can suggest languages and/or vote for translation would be another option. This would be by choice and only comprise users that appreciate translations.
more community outreach
You should find somebody who's speaking Russian then - e.g. for users of The website unfortunately is Russian only ... the google translator provides an awful translation. Looks like the community is quite active there - ... morrowind/
IIRC there was many French modders for MW as well.
Looking at this I think - if having translations - sticking to English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and German would be reasonable. I don't know if there is a Chinese, Arabic or Indian community but most of the people on this planet speak those languages (mother tongue). Indian might not be needed badly, every youngster visiting school there has English lessons, maybe the Chinese too.
In the end, who played / is playing MW probably speaks English except for those needing or preferring the (only officially available) French and German version.